$2 DIY Bird’s Nest


If you saw my Ringing in Spring Home Tour post on Friday, you may have noticed this sweet little bird’s nest.  It’s pretty adorable and so super easy to make.  And did I mention that it’s cheep…I mean cheap (you knew I was going to do it, don’t act surprised)?  Yeah, like $2 cheap.  All you need is a bowl and some moss, both of which I picked up at my local dollar store.


I bought a couple of different moss/grass options, thinking that I might need it, but I chose to use only the moss.  By the time that I had all of the moss glued on I was really pleased with the way it looked and didn’t feel that it needed more.  The bowl is a plain glass cereal bowl.

Lay the bowl upside down (opening down) and spray small sections with spray adhesive.  Press moss onto glue and repeat all the way around.  I chose not to cover the base of the bowl with moss so that it can sit easier on a flat surface.  Once the entire outside has been covered with moss, flip the bowl over and do the same to the inside.  Make sure that you cover the edge as well.

Now all you need is a bird or some eggs to fill your nest with.  I have been having a horrible time trying to find faux robin’s eggs, so I quickly painted a couple of my kid’s plastic eggs blue and threw some brown polka dots on for good measure.  I’m definitely still on the lookout for some more realistic looking eggs.

This project took me about 15 minutes, but I love the impact that it makes.



Linked at Design Dining DiapersThe Turquoise HomeBeyond the Picket FenceThe Seasoned HomemakerCherished BlissEveryday HomeDIY by DesignGingersnap CraftsPractically FunctionalSerenity NowPink Little NotebookA Stroll Thru Life

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  1. Just too precious!! Love this, great tutorial!!

  2. I’ve seen this before–maybe a linky party? I’m here from Creativity Unleashed today. Anyway I liked the idea then, forgot details, of course. Now I’ve got a big beautiful birdcage. I’ve got to figure out exactly what I’ll do but this will be in it!

  3. JaneEllen says:

    So easy and so obvious, I’ll be making a few nests I’m thinkin’. Great tutorial. I love easy and inexpensive projects. You did great job on your Robin eggs.
    Most likely many craft stores have bird eggs but I’ve purchased more realistic looking ones, such a Robin’s eggs, at Hobby Lobby. Was just in there this week, think they were about $3.99 or $4.99 for about 10 of them. They have other color eggs also. I found them by the flower section where the birds are.
    I’ll be hitting $tree for some more moss, ours has green and sandy colored moss. Think I’ll get one of each to vary the look of nests. I have some great wire metal bird cages I love to fill with nests, birds, pretty soaps, etc. Usually get my cages at HL on 50% off and Michaels at end of season when they mark them down more or with coupons. HL has some cute birds also. Michaels has the ceramic ones like you have in your nest, can get them on sale at Michaels or with coupons. If there’s a sale I usually know where as I’m on fixed income, have to spend money carefully. I buy craft supplies, not clothes usually. Happy Spring

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