Kid’s Art Vase – Easy and Adorable DIY Gift

Kid’s Art Vase

Handmade gifts are almost always my favorites.  It doesn’t matter who they are from or what they are, if it is made with love and from the heart I am going to adore it.  One of my favorite gifts to date was a fresh fir wreath that my grandma had made with trimmings from trees on their property in Montana.  We were living in New Mexico at the time, while my husband was going through some Air Force training, and it was pure joy when I opened up the box and smelled the fresh pine!  I cannot even begin to tell you how many times I stopped and smelled the wreath, touched the needles and smiled thinking about how thoughtful of a gift it was.  My grandma knew that I would be homesick so she sent a little piece of home to me.

These days, it is usually my kids that make the crafts and gifts for our family.  Because let’s be honest, it’s nice to get a lovely handmade gift from an adult, but it is adorable and unforgettable to get one from a child!

Thinking along the lines of that gorgeous wreath that my grandma had sent, I wanted to make a simple version for my kiddos to give their loved ones a live present.  My oldest daughter has always loved to give flowers, so a vase was a no brainer for us.


I love this idea because it is a perfect hostess or teacher gift (they can always just save the paper and add the vases to their collection), but it is also one that I know grandparents and even mommies and daddies would be happy to display year round.  Plus it is super inexpensive and just plain all around adorable.


To create your own kid’s art vase, all you will need is a vase of your choice and a second vase that is similar in size, but just small enough to fit inside the first one.  I found both of mine at Walmart for less than $3 each.  You’ll also need card stock or paper cut to fit the inside of the large vase and a willing child participant.


Set your kiddo to work on creating their masterpiece.  I love to see the thought my kids put into their artwork when they realize that it is for a special gift.


You can either use invisible tape and tape the paper to the inside of the larger vase, or you can use the inner vase to hold the paper up if they are close enough in size.  You may want to try it without tape first and then resort to that if your vases aren’t cooperating.


And their you have it, folks.  A sweet as can be kid’s art vase that cost just over $5 but will make anyone’s heart swell with pride.  You never know, years from now someone might even remember it as their favorite gift!  🙂


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