Make a Basket with only one piece of 12×12 paper

paper basket

This morning was spent making a bunch of mini muffins with my sweet little four year old helper.  We ended up making so many muffins that we decided we should probably give some away to neighbors and friends lest we eat them all ourselves!  Of course this decision was made last minute and I quickly came to the realization that I didn’t have any containers to give away.  Fear not, for there is a super simple way to make a crazy adorable paper basket with just one piece of 12×12 scrapbook paper.  And it truly takes less than five minutes per basket.  Let’s get right into it…there are a ton of pictures here!

You’ll start with a single piece of 12×12 paper with the pattern facing down.  Measure 4 inches in on each side and mark with a small pencil dot.  I am showing a full line for demonstration only.  You’ll want to keep your marks small as they may be visible when the basket is complete.

paper basket 4

This picture is showing you all four sides of the paper with the fold lines all marked.  You’ll also see the final fold marks which I will get to describing in just a moment.

paper basket 5

Okay, now it is time to start our folds.  I like to use a ruler to hold on the marked line so that I can keep the line straight and crisp.

paper basket 6

Continue folding all four sides in by four inches.  You should end up having nine identical squares.

paper basket 7

Now take a peek at this picture again…see the dark lines?  We are going to fold these.  You want to make sure that you are only folding this mark in one quadrant.  The best way to make this fold is by carefully pulling the paper over onto itself.  It may take you a minute of playing with it to get it, but once you do, it is super easy.

paper basket 5

Now we are going to take the same folds that we just worked on and fold them to make them stick out.  You’ll want to push the line from underneath to make it pop up so that you can grab it.

paper basket 9

Go ahead and grab those pieces that you just folded out and hold all four together in the middle.

paper basket 11

paper basket 12

Now you’ll need to pull out a hole punch and ribbon (or you could just tape it, if you’d like).  Punch through all layers and simply tie a ribbon to hold it all together.

paper basket 13

Now you’re free to fill it up however you choose.  The possibilities for this are endless!

paper basket 3 paper basket 2 paper basket 1

Linked at Practically Functional, Sondra Lyn at Home, C.R.A.F.T., So Much Better With AgeGlitter Glue and Paint and Crafts a la mode

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  1. Super cute!!! I’ve never seen this, love how you used it for holding mini muffins too!
    Melissa@TheHappierHomemaker recently posted…Valentines Sewn Paper Garland Tutorial & A Special RequestMy Profile

  2. Adorable! I love this idea, thanks for sharing!

  3. I am very impressed with this basket! Please come and link this wonderful DIY to my party What to do Weekends.
    Linda recently posted…Cute and Fun Veggies for Valentine’s DayMy Profile

  4. This is so cute! Love it!! Thanks for linking up at Share it Sunday!!
    Sondra @ Sondra Lyn at Home recently posted…Dollar Store Challenge- Candlestick Candy DishesMy Profile

  5. This is adorable!!!! I love it! I have thousands of pieces of 12 x 12 paper from scrapbooking! Ta-da! I know what I’m doing with some of it now!

  6. This is so cute! I love this idea! I have “several” pieces of 12 x 12 scrapbook paper and I now know exactly how to make good use of them. Thanks for sharing. I’m pinning this idea on my Pinterest page.
    Gurvy Green recently posted…How to make baked kale chipsMy Profile

  7. 7mccaffreys says:

    Do you think it is strong/deep enough to hold plastic utensils? Very cute!!!

  8. 7mccaffreys says:

    So I made the basket, but the utensils would slide down or the basket would tip over. So I went to the craft store and purchased a bag of clear rocks/glass (they look like flat marbles) for $1 and put them at the bottom. It keeps the utensils from sliding as well as the basket from tipping over. It is perfect. I am using it for a Super Bowl party. I used a blue piece of card stock (since both teams have blue as one of the colors and used a wide ribbon with footballs on it. I will be using this project for many other events! Thanks!

  9. This is such a cool trick- one of my favorites I have come across in a long time, especially since I often find myself in situations where I want to share treats but have no “vehicle” on hand to package them well. This takes care of the packaging dilemma and it cute to boot.

    Now we will see if my hands are coordinated enough for the folding, gathering, punching and tying. We may be in for a funny pinterest fail if not!

  10. How simple and effective. Thank you so much for sharing this. I will be making smaller ones for bake sales and the like too.

  11. Thank you so much fo sharing ! Plan to use this at our Church bizaar!

  12. Do you remember about how many mini muffins you for in there? It’s so cute. I might make these for my neighbors.

  13. awesome idea ,wonderful

  14. Roxanna Allstead says:

    Just made it! I am sending each of our dinner guests home with a basket filled with homemade Easter treats. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Karen Lambert says:

    Fab idea!! Just had thought they would make brilliant wedding favours wrapped in cellophane with home baked treats in!


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