Yarn Candy Corn Cones

It has been raining cats and dogs here in NC for what feels like forever now.  In all actuality it has really only been two weeks, but the gray skies and lack of outdoor time for my kids has me feeling the blues.  I had to find a fun indoor project to do with supplies that I had on hand to keep me from losing my mind.  These yarn candy corn cones were easy and fast and gave me a hint of sanity at the same time.  🙂


To make these you need styrofoam cones, yarn in orange, yellow and white and glue of your choice.  I’ll be honest and had decided to use a crafting glue since hot glue tends to melt styrofoam, but I got lazy and impatient and switched to hot glue very quickly.  It didn’t melt the foam enough to be an issue and made the task much quicker.


Start by adding a line of glue along the bottom of the cone and wrap the yellow yarn around.  Try to keep it as close to the very bottom of the cone as possible so you don’t have any cone showing underneath.

Continue wrapping the yarn until you reach a third of the way up.  You won’t need to add any glue until you hit that 1/3 mark.  Cut your yarn and glue it down in the back.


Start the orange yarn next, gluing the first inch or so down where the yellow ended.  Wrap, wrap, wrap until you get it to the 2/3 mark and then cut and glue like the yellow.


White comes next, so once again glue the first inch down and wrap all the way to the top of the cone.  Once you reach the top, add glue to the flat top and push the yarn in, in a circular pattern as seen above.


I made three cones to have some varying heights and visual interest.  It took me the length of a TV show to complete but they turned out so cute that now I am thinking I need to make some for Christmas in different colors.


How’s the weather in your neck of the woods?  Is Hurricane Joaquin causing a change in your plans?


Don’t forget that there is still time to enter to win a $200 gift card from Kirkland’s and check out my fall mantel that can be seen in the background here.

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