Just over a month ago I applied for a brand ambassadorship. One that I was so determined that I wouldn't get that I didn't even mention it to my husband because I didn't want to admit the rejection that I knew would follow. An ambassadorship that excited me beyond words because it was for a company that I stand behind 100%. I applied an hour before the cutoff so I could tell myself that I … [Read more...]
Archives for October 3, 2017
Quickest and Easiest DIY Fall Urn
October 3, 2017 2 Comments

I'm wondering if you are like me and the insanity that is known as fall has kicked into full gear for you??? Between school, sports, traveling and the upcoming holidays our calendar is jam packed and it has been nearly impossible to find time to decorate my house for the fall. I hope that you got a chance to see my fall tour...I am still just oohing and aahing over those shelves!...but this … [Read more...]
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