Wood Sign Valentine’s Popcorn “Bouquet”

I wrote this post as part of a paid campaign with Plaid Crafts, Michaels and Blueprint Social. The opinions in this post are my own.

Now that we are firmly into January and all looking forward to some warmer spring weather, I was super excited to get to participate in the Michaels Spring Wood Run Challenge.  It basically consists of getting a package of random craft supplies sent to you that you then create a project with.  Sounds fun, right?  I love a good challenge!  Here is what I received in my package:


So I think that the obvious choice here would be to create photo booth props, but I was trying to think a little more outside of the box than that.  And since I have been eyeing some yummy Valentine’s Day treats, I decided to combine the two and turn it in to a super fun Wood Sign Valentine’s Day “Bouquet.”  Let’s be honest, I love flowers, but the way to this girls heart is most certainly through my stomach, so this bouquet is definitely right up my alley!


Using some of the Folk Art paint that I received in my box, I painted my wood signs and even added some cute little polka dots to the bow tie.  I mean, if you are going to rock a bow tie, make it fabulous, am I right?!  One of the signs was already a chalkboard surface, so I whipped out my chalk paint pen and wrote a little message on it as well as the heart.


But now it was time to fill up that “bouquet,” so I got to work making this amazing popcorn mix.  I’m going to be honest with you here, this stuff is basically crack disguised as harmless popcorn.  Don’t be fooled, you will be addicted and will not be able to stop shoveling handfuls into your mouth.  Fair warning!

Valentine's Popcorn
A ridiculously delicious mixture of sweet and salty, this popcorn is easy to make and can be customized for any holiday or event.
Recipe type: Dessert
  • 2 bags plain popcorn
  • 1 bag Candy Melts
  • 1 bag M&Ms
  • sea salt
  1. Pop popcorn as directed, add salt to taste and set aside.
  2. Melt Candy Melts in microwave safe bowl, heating for 30 seconds at a time and then stirring. Repeat until completely melted.
  3. Pour melted Candy Melts and M&Ms over the popcorn and stir well to ensure that all popcorn is covered.
  4. Spread out and allow to cool on wax paper.

Really, this could not be an easier treat to make, but it is so darn good!  You’ll find yourself coming up with excuses to make it for any little opportunity.  And the great thing is that you can use colored Candy Melts or seasonal M&Ms to create a look to match and holiday or event.


I had this sweet little bucket that I covered with a cloth napkin and filled to the top with the crack popcorn.  Then I simply added my wood signs (I cut the sticks to varying heights for visual effect) and tied a little bow around the front and I am all set to win over just about anybody.  Because I am telling you, no one will be able to turn down this treat and the adorable signs are pretty irresistible as well.  There is just no end to what you could create with these cuties!


So what would you have made with the supplies I received?  I’d love to hear your fun ideas, please leave them in the comments!

For more inspiration make sure to check out Plaid, the Plaid Palette Blog, their newsletter, YouTube channel, Pinterest boards, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Google+.   Whew, that is a LOT of opportunities to cyber stalk Plaid, but they have some great stuff and share some fun ideas and projects.  It is totally worth it!

Here are some of the other projects people have come up with during the challenge:



  1. Cute! I don’t even like popcorn that much but I’d try some chocolate covered popcorn any day!
    Melissa@TheHappierHomemaker recently posted…The Best Classic Lasagna Recipe. Ever.My Profile

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