Sometimes the Easiest Projects Make the Biggest Impact


Sometimes I will spend days, or as much as it pains to me to admit…weeks, working on a project that turns out just blah.  It’s always a disappointment when you pour a lot of love and effort into something that just doesn’t have any wow factor.  The good news here is that this project is not one of those.  Not only is this quick and easy, more importantly you can make it for $5 and it will give you that wow you’ve been searching for.

For this twig tree you will need:

Terra cotta pot (or vase-anything you would like to use to hold the “tree”)

Floral foam




Paper Bats

Twig Collage

After gathering twigs of the shape and size that you prefer, go ahead and tie a rubber band around the ends to hold them all together.  I found out the hard way that this is easier than inserting each twig into the floral foam and it also makes it easier to rearrange your twigs if you don’t like the way that they are positioned.  Next, go ahead and add some floral foam to your pot (I only used one block, which did not fill all of the space)  and stick your bundle of twigs right on in there.  Now throw some crumpled up paper towels in there to fill up any remaining empty space.  You’re almost done already!  Cover the top with some moss and you are ready to decorate.  I simply cut out some bats using black and orange paper and hot glued them to a few branches and tied a bow with some fun skeleton ribbon I found clearanced after Halloween last year.  That’s it!  Simple, right?  And how about that impact?

So here is the breakdown:

Terra cotta pot: on hand $0

Twigs: backyard $0

Floral Foam: Dollar Tree $1

Moss: Michaels $3

Paper and Ribbon: on hand $0

I made my twig tree for less than $5 and in 10 minutes, and you can too if you have a few basic supplies already on hand.  Go ahead and bring some of the outdoors in!  I’d love to hear what you think about my twig tree, so please leave me a comment.

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