Adult Hot Apple Cider

My husband and I have a favorite way to unwind after a long day.  We love to go out on our patio, start up a fire and just relax and snuggle together while chatting about our days and catching up.  Beer is normally the drink of choice, but as it cools down we have found ourselves wanting warm drinks to keep our temps up.  After adding a little something something to our coffees and chai teas, we were on the look out to try new concoctions.  This absolutely delicious adult apple hot cider hit the spot and was the perfect addition to our outdoor evenings.


We randomly had some caramel vodka in our pantry from last year, so it was easy enough to just warm up some fresh apple cider and add a bit to it.  I am a huge fan of fresh cider, it is incredible how different it tastes from the concentrate or powders.  I cannot recommend it enough!


After an insanely busy last week this helped to create the perfect moment of relaxation for us.  We ended up unexpectedly spending basically our entire weekend (sans my son’s hockey game) at our kid’s school trying to create curtains for the stage.  As co-presidents of the PTO, we are there often enough that a lot of the students come up and give me a hug every time they see me.  I love being able to help out the school, but boy can it wear a girl out!  But I have to take a moment to brag and show you our DIY stage curtains.  Above is the before picture.


After getting a few bids from local companies (charging over $4,000 for the curtains!!!) we decided to hire a seamstress (one of our incredible teachers) and hang them ourselves.


Using electrical conduit and 2x4s, our installation cost less than $60!  Can you believe that?!  With fabric, seamstress fees and fire retardant, we came in at just over $1,300 total.  I am still in awe over the difference that it made!


Okay, but back to the drink!  Just add 1/4 cup caramel vodka to 2 cups of warmed apple cider, mix well and enjoy responsibly.


Tell me, how do you like to unwind in the evenings?




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