Because You Are All So Awesome…Target Gift Card Giveaway

You know I love you all, right?  I mean, like kind of a creepy you make me happy when you read and comment and like and pin and all that jazz.

So I’d like to reciprocate a bit.

And what makes us all more happy than Target?  How about a gift card for $70?

Okay, and some kid free, Starbucks sipping, aisle browsing time might be best, but I can’t help you with all of that.


I’m teaming up with some great bloggers to bring you this Twitter giveaway.  Simple entries with a winner chosen at random.  I won’t blab your ear off for this one, I’ll just leave you with one last thought…


$70 can go a long way towards feeding a Target addiction!

Giveaway is for one $70 Target e-gift card. Giveaway is open from 7/17/14-7/24/14. Twitter is in no way affiliated with this giveaway. Only valid entries accepted. Winner will be contacted via email and will have 48 hours to reply and claim their prize.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Thanks for helping feed our Target addictions! 🙂

    Stacy recently posted…Weekend Wonderings & WanderingsMy Profile

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