Budget Friendly Personalized Globe Teacher’s Gifts

It’s that time of year again where you realize that school will be over before you know it and you want to get tokens of appreciation for the tireless teachers who have helped shape your little one’s minds for the past 9 months.  It’s always so hard for me to find something that I think represents my gratitude and yet fits into the budget.  I don’t know about you, but I’ve got three kiddos, most with multiple teachers, and it is amazing how quickly all those little gifts add up!

In the past I have made these super sweet pencils that I still just love, but I needed to switch it up a bit this year as my middle child has the same teacher my oldest did and I don’t know that the teacher would want two pencils, you know what I mean?  And that’s where these adorable personalized globe teacher’s gifts come into play.  Read on to see how simple they were to make and how budget friendly they really are!

teachers gift personalized globe

Supplies Needed

Small globe

Vinyl and die cut machine or stickers

A little time and patience

teachers gift personalized globe

When I saw these “Follow that Dream” globes while walking through Hobby Lobby one day I knew that they would be seriously cute on a teacher’s desk.  It just clinched the deal when I noticed they were 50% off, making them a mere $7.50 each.

teachers gift personalized globe

I chose to use my Silhouette machine and vinyl that I had on hand at home, but if you don’t have a die cutting machine, stickers would totally work just as well.  Just find some at the craft store and you’re good to go.
teachers gift personalized globe

I cut my kid’s teacher’s names out and used a transfer tape to help me place it all correctly on the globe.  A little note here: be careful if your globe is paper covered, as mine are…the transfer tape will stick to whatever it touches!

teachers gift personalized globe

Not only did they turn out ridiculously awesome, but they took about 5 minutes each to make.

teachers gift personalized globe

What teacher wouldn’t love a globe in their class?  And a personalized one at that!

teachers gift personalized globe


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  1. These are too cute-they would be perfect for the teacher’s at the international school where my boys go-love it! Now off to find some little globes!

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