Create Your Own DIY American Girl Clothes Hangers

Both of my daughters have been sucked down the American Girl rabbit hole.  We subscribe to the magazine, get all of the catalogs we could want and then some, have massive amounts of clothing and accessories and of course, the dolls themselves.  As many of you know, American Girl items are adorable, well made and lots of fun, but what they are not is cheap.  I am constantly blown away by the cost … [Read more...]

Make a Pair of DIY Wood Sconces for Less Than $6!

I am lucky enough to live in a funky town that has lots of great boutique shops in a bustling downtown area where tons and tons of local artists bring their wares to sell.  It in so incredibly fun to grab a chai latte and walk through all of the beautiful displays.  In fact, it is one of my favorite pastimes while my kiddos are in school.  I always find tons of inspiration from the shops and walk … [Read more...]

DIY 3 Ingredient Lava Lamps Inspired by Big Hero 6

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BigHero6Release #CollectiveBias I took my kiddos to go see Big Hero 6 on Christmas Eve as a way to take our minds off of my husband being deployed for the holidays.  We were looking for something light and happy that would leave us all in a great mood.  And honestly, we all cried during the … [Read more...]

Condition Leather Boots Naturally

I don't know about you, but come winter I basically live in boots.  Not only do they keep my feet toasty warm, but they keep water and snow out and they look great with jeans and leggings.  I have one pair in particular that I am almost never without.  I adore them and because I wear them so often they have gotten a bit of a "distressed" look to them.  And to be honest, I like that look, but … [Read more...]

Brown Sugar Almond Lip Scrub

As winter seems to continue to drag on, my skin and lips continue to dry out.  And it's not just me, my house is full of little people who seem to have a really hard time not licking their lips and drying them further.  But my breaking point came when my oldest daughter's lips started to bleed because they were so chapped.  I was kind of at a loss since she refuses to use chap sticks that aren't a … [Read more...]

Affordable and High Quality Chalk Paint Options and my Sideboard Makeover

I've mentioned before that I tend to be lazy when it comes to painting furniture, and that could not be more accurate.  However, I am always drawn to older pieces, ones that have character and flaws.  I love detail and knowing that there is probably a great story behind the scratches and nicks.  So what is a lazy girl to do?  Strip, sand, prime, paint?  Um no...who has time for that?!  Enter chalk … [Read more...]

A Little Paint Changes Everything – The Story of my Upcycled, Hand me Down Painted Bookcase

Do you remember the time of door to door salesmen?  The kind who peddled vacuums and sets of encyclopedias?  Years and years ago my dad was approached by one such salesman.  He was selling Louis L'Amour leather covered hard bound books that the buyer would be able to purchase monthly, kind of like a book of the month club.  My dad loves Louis L'Amour, so he jumped at the chance to own the entire … [Read more...]

Wood Sign Valentine’s Popcorn “Bouquet”

I wrote this post as part of a paid campaign with Plaid Crafts, Michaels and Blueprint Social. The opinions in this post are my own. Now that we are firmly into January and all looking forward to some warmer spring weather, I was super excited to get to participate in the Michaels Spring Wood Run Challenge.  It basically consists of getting a package of random craft supplies sent to you that you … [Read more...]

How Much Water Does Your Body Need Daily? And a Great Tip to Help You Keep Track!

Welcome 2015, and sayonara 2014 and all of the bad eating habits that I have picked up over the last few months.  I know that I am not the only one who is guilty of eating more than my fair share of goodies since, well since Halloween, but it's time to wipe that slate clean.  There is no need to shame yourself for what is behind you, so let's focus on what is ahead. There are so many ways that … [Read more...]

Down Home Inspiration Best of 2014

Wow, it has been just over a year since I started this blogging adventure and I cannot believe how much has changed in that time!  There have been ups and downs, projects that far surpassed what I could have imagined for them and those that have flopped, blood, sweat, tears and tons of excitement.  It has been a roller coaster, but I want to thank each and every one of you for hopping on this ride … [Read more...]

My 2014 Christmas Home Tour

It has been such a whirlwind of a month and we are only half way through it!  Carving out time to decorate my home this year was challenging to say the least, and to be honest there were times when I questioned whether or not to actually even put up a tree.  I was feeling a bit Scrooge-ish with my hubby being out of the country and my parents having recently moved out of state, but my kiddos were … [Read more...]

DIY Hair Tie Lollipop

At about this time every year I start panicking about all of the little gifts that I need to get together for friends, teachers, coworkers, mail carriers...the list goes on and on and it can start to overwhelm me in a hot minute. So we decided to keep it simple for my daughter's friends this year, and we came up with these adorable hair tie lollipops. And we LOVE them! They came out … [Read more...]