Dream Master Closet Part 1

Eeeekkk!!!!  I'm at it again.  Time to take a room in my home that has been just barely working for me and making me absolutely crazy since we moved in and turn it into my dream space.  If you've been following awhile you may have seen my laundry room makeover, and now I'm ready to tackle the master closet.  Having lived in a home for no longer than two years at a time for my entire life, I still … [Read more...]

Mid Century Modern Dresser Makeover

A cautionary tale: Mid Century Modern Dresser Makeover My kiddos are hard on furniture.  They don't go out of their way to destroy things, but at the same time I never expect anything to last for that long in their use.  Dressers seem to take the brunt of the abuse since my kids don't hang their clothes yet.  Every clothing item is crammed into their dresser drawers and they are constantly … [Read more...]

Dollar Store Mobile Homework Station

Back to school generally causes me to feel the need to re-organize a bit to try to overcome our summer laziness and get back into the swing of things.  My kiddos have been back in school for a month now, but I still feel like I am playing catch up a bit just to stay on our toes.  Three kids, three different grades and three sets of homework to complete every day can be overwhelming.  This dollar … [Read more...]

Our Family Command Center

Eeeek, my kiddos are already back in school!  Summer is officially over in my house and that means that we are back to a full time, out of control, bananas schedule for each and every one of us.  With sports and work trips, meetings and playdates...before I know it I am lost in a sea of Post It notes that I have left myself to help me try to remember everything.  And if I am honest, I usually fail … [Read more...]

DIY Flat Iron Holder (for less than $1!)

So I just got back from my whirlwind driving spree.  You guys, back and forth between North Carolina to Colorado is no joke!  I drove the kids out on Sunday and Monday (15 hours and 11 hours, respectively) and stayed at my parent's house for three days then made the trek back on my own.  So four days driving, three days off in a week.  I was bushed.  I just don't know how truck drivers do it, but … [Read more...]

Patriotic Beer Cake

Woohoo!!!  By the time that you are reading this, my hubby has just returned home from being out of the country for months on end and I could not be happier to have my best friend back!  To celebrate his homecoming, I had the kids make some signs before they left for their summer vacation and I threw this patriotic beer cake together as an added bonus.  I thought that is was so cute and fun and I … [Read more...]

Kid’s Glasses Holder (Perfect for Accessories too!)

A little less than a year ago our baby was diagnosed with amblyopia and needed to start wearing glasses to help correct her vision.  Although she was very shy and hesitant about it at first, we picked a super fun pair of glasses and she quickly grew accustomed to wearing them and became really great about keeping them on all day. Until spring rolled around. In April it became warm enough for … [Read more...]

How to Wash Hats and Keep the Shape

My hubby loves to wear hats, but he is really tough on them.  He finds a new one that he likes and wears it incessantly until it looks disgusting.  Between dirt, sweat and whatever other nasty things he finds to make them look gross, within about a month it needs to be washed or thrown out.  But that is the problem...conventional washing just doesn't work well for hats.  Throwing them in the … [Read more...]

DIY “Are we There Yet” Kid’s Travel Map

The kiddos and I are gearing up for another long road trip soon, and as it approaches I am trying to find new ways to keep them entertained and to keep me from getting frustrated.  I've shared my top tips and tricks for road tripping with kids before, but I want to add some fresh ideas to the mix as well.  So when I sat down to brainstorm about what is my number one pet peeve when driving cross … [Read more...]

FAQ About my $10 and 10 Minute Window Valances

Wow, this post has been awhile in the making.  I was blown away by the amount of interest that my $10 and 10 minute window valance post created, and even more surprised by the astonishing number of pins (over 153,000 directly from Down Home Inspiration!!!) and emails that I receive about it.  I've gotten so many incredible responses, but also a handful or persistent questions, so I decided to … [Read more...]

Make Your Own DIY Jewelry Cleaner

Because Montana is so near and dear to my heart yet so very, very far away from me geographically, I like to wear little pieces of it as often as I can.  I have tons of t-shirts, tank tops, hats and even jewelry that all proudly boast the "Treasure State."  In fact, I have five necklaces that I wear more often than any other piece of jewelry on my organizer.  And they are, unsurprisingly, all … [Read more...]

Just Start Hand Lettering (and a little trick to make it SUPER EASY!)

Hand lettering is everywhere these days and it can be a little stressful for people like me who consider themselves to be crafty but do not have an ounce of artistic ability.  Seriously, if I don't have a stencil I cannot draw, paint, write, etc.  I don't ever trust myself to keep it from looking like my six year old scribbled all over it.  If I'm honest, she draws much better than I do anyway! … [Read more...]