“Tote”ally Awesome Free Printable (Perfect for DIY Gifts!)

I know that I just recently went on and on about teacher's gifts at the end of the year, and how hard it is for me to come up with something new each year, but I am back and having the same discussion again.  My kids are lucky to have some pretty darn incredible teacher's and I always want to make sure that they understand that I appreciate them and all that they do for my kids throughout the … [Read more...]

Wood and Rope Sign with a Felt Flower Tutorial

I've made my love of weathered wood known before, so I won't bore you all with the details of how giddy I was to find this beauty hidden in our burn pile in the backyard.  Luckily I happened to be standing there when my hubby was getting the logs to put in our chiminea, otherwise he would have tossed it right into the fire.  Gasp! Anywho, I obviously stopped him, told him how crazy he was and … [Read more...]

$5 and 5 Minute Post-it Note Stand (Perfect teacher’s gift!)

As the end of another school year draws to a close, it is time to start thinking about gifts for your kid's teachers.  It is so hard to find a small token of appreciation that shows just how much you appreciate all the hard work and love that they gave your child for the last nine months without breaking the bank (I've got six teachers to buy for this year!).  This super simple post-it note stand … [Read more...]

Change up Your Baskets Each Season (the super simple secret to how I made this starfish basket!)

Summer is on its way and with it comes my love of all things beachy.  We have lived in the south for a long time now (our previous duty station was in Georgia), and we have most certainly become accustomed to our beach time.  In fact we were just in Virginia Beach last week, soaking up the rays cold wind, but enjoying the beach all the same.  My kiddos have spent more time in the ocean than they … [Read more...]

$10 Camera Strap

I don't know about you, but I am a very strange mix of girly girl and tomboy.  I love sports, lifting weights and can curse like a sailor, but I almost always do those things while wearing pink clothing, with big statement jewelry and some lip gloss.  What can I say, I like pretty accessories! And since my camera is basically always at my side, I decided that it needed some sparkles and a touch … [Read more...]

DIY Wood Welcome Sign

I'm a hoarder. But really only of hand written notes from my kiddos and wood. Aah, I love wood.  Especially the aged and abused looking wood.  The weathered, rusty nail kind of wood. So when we took our canoe and paddle board out to the lake recently for some family time, I was ecstatic when my daughter found a beautiful piece of wood floating around and swam it over to me.  You know you … [Read more...]

The Trick to Getting an Extra 10 Minutes of Sleep Every Day with Sauder!

Some days I think that my tween will be the death of me. Between the eye rolling, back talking and emotion fueled tantrums, there is not a day that goes by that I don't question how I will keep my sanity through this phase. But the good news is that my daughter and I have been working together to come up with solutions that benefit both of us and help our days run a bit smoother. And I think … [Read more...]

How to Get Your Kids to Fold Their own Laundry With all free clear

This post is sponsored by all free clear but my love for their products is all my own! My kids are basically walking tornadoes.  I swear, any room in our house that they even walk through is just covered in chaos by the time that they walk out.  When I ask them to clean their rooms, you might think that I was asking which limb they would like to lose, with all of the theatrics and tears. But … [Read more...]

DIY Personalized Doormat for $10!

When I married my hubby well over a decade ago, I became obsessed with my new last name.  I wanted everything to have my new initials on it and made sure to introduce myself by using my full name.  I was just so proud and excited that I couldn't help myself. Flash forward 12 years, and I am annoyingly still the same way.  I am even more proud to be married to my guy now than I was then and now … [Read more...]

DIY Crate Dog Bed for Under $10

Two years ago we adopted a child into our home.  And to be honest, he is kind of an a$#hole.  He uses the restroom all over my house, escapes from the backyard and has the most hellacious gas that you have ever encountered.  Meet Murphy, our Boston Terrier.  Don't let that face fool you, he is pure trouble! So while Murphy is all of those things I said above and more, he has somehow wormed … [Read more...]

Edible and Kid Friendly Marshmallow Paint

My hubby and I have been hard at work on building a gorgeous new shed in our backyard (more on that soon!).  We He has been working on it basically from sunup to sundown each and every day this past week and the kids have been hanging out right alongside him, enjoying the sunshine and spring weather. That is, until we had a couple of days of rain.  My hubby kept right on working, but the … [Read more...]

Make Your own DIY American Girl Closet for Less Than $15

If you found the doll hanger tutorial that I posted last Wednesday to be fun and exciting, then this DIY American Girl closet should be right up your alley.  Those of us that are trapped in the never ending cycle of doll and accessory purchasing know that any way to save a buck or two on this stuff is totally worth it.  And you can make this whole closet for less than $15 and in about 30 minutes. … [Read more...]