Chalkboard To Do List

Chalkboard 1

I think that as I age my mind will be the first thing to go.  Between three kids, a husband who travels constantly, starting a blog and the upcoming holidays there is just no way that I can remember everything on my mental to do list.  This chalkboard list has already come in handy after making it just yesterday.  It’s a place where I can jot down any reminders and then just wipe clean when I have completed all of my tasks.  And to be honest, I just love being able to cross off or erase a task and know that I am accomplishing things.  Yet another super easy project for less than $3, here is what you’ll need for this chalkboard:

Clipboard: $1 from Dollar Tree

Chalkboard Paint: $1.99 Walmart

Gold Sharpie: on hand

magnets or Command Strips to hang with

to do list 1

I applied two coats of chalkboard paint to my clipboard and allowed it to fully dry.  After cutting out a stencil with my Silhouette I filled it in with a gold Sharpie marker.  As you can see above the maker bled through so I went back over the letters by hand to give them clean edges.  It would probably have been much easier to just free hand this project.  Next I used a ruler and made my lines using the Sharpie.  I measured mine out to be 3 1/4 inches long each with one inch space between them.  Now all that was left to do was attach some Command Strips to the back so that I could hang it where it would be visible and easy to access.  I put mine by the door to my garage so that I can check it on my way out each day as a quick reminder of what needs to be done.

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Now if only I could get myself to remember to buy more chalk!

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