Children’s Art Wall

 children's art wall

I’m a proud momma.  I am a big fan of displaying my children’s artwork and creations where they can see it and know that I appreciate it.  Unfortunately, I also dislike clutter, especially on my pretty and shiny stainless steel refrigerator.  This art wall is my way of corralling all of my kid’s masterpieces into one neat not completely disheveled area.  Not only is it functional, it was also relatively cheap to make and my kids even helped me pull it all together.

I bought four picture frames from Hobby Lobby, removed the glass and inserted some fun scrapbook papers in each,  I then glued a clip onto the top of each one using JB Weld.

art wall 2

Next up was to buy some small pieces of wood from Lowes.  These were already the size I needed and pre sanded so I all needed to do was apply a quick coat of white spray paint.  I hung all of the frames and the boards using Command Picture Hanging Strips.

The kids were then left with the super important task of rounding up some of their favorite pieces of artwork.  They were oh so proud to have their work displayed!  And now when they hand me their newest school project or coloring sheet, we can just clip it on the wall.  For less than $20 I have a one of a kind art gallery right in my kitchen.  Can’t get better than that!

art wall

And before anyone mentions it, my genius husband has already pointed out that I somehow misspelled Picasso.  Oops!

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