Cute as Cake Valentine’s Box

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Before we dive into the Valentine’s box, I’d like to quickly apologize for my brief absence this past week.  We had a death in the family and I was out of state (and without internet – gasp!).  I chose not to add anything to social media either because I was in an ugly frame of mind.  Please forgive me and know that I am back and the gears are spinning to put out some fun new content.

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On to brighter and more exciting things…how about making a sweet Valentine’s box?  The past couple of years my daughter, Grace, had been making a Valentine’s box in class and I was always bummed to be missing out on a fantastic crafting opportunity.  You can imagine my excitement then when I discovered that this year she needed to construct a box at home to bring to class.  Yay, my time had come!  We chatted and brainstormed about what she was hoping to have and what we thought that she would be able to make without much assistance.  We wanted her box to be “pretty, fun and hold lots of cards” (quotes from my eight year old), but we also needed one that we could easily transport and that would hold up to an entire class adding their own Valentine to.  We chose to make a “ruffled cake” using a sturdy paper mache hat box, a glue stick and some crepe paper.  I bought my hat box from Hobby Lobby using my 40% off coupon, for $2.87 and my crepe paper from Walmart for $0.97.

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Start your box by using a pencil to trace around the box where the lid rests.  You’ll want to make sure to stop your ruffles at that line so that the lid fits on easily and does not rip your crepe paper.  Then cover a small area with glue and start forming the ruffles by pushing the crepe paper into the glue about every inch or so.  Do this all the way around the box and around the rim of the lid.  You can either go in a circular pattern on the lid or you can make rows, whichever you prefer.  We did a bit of both.  🙂

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Now all that is left to do is fill this beauty up with Valentine’s cards.  All in all it took less than 45 minutes for my daughter and I to complete this from start to finish,  We added a fun sparkly bow on top too, because we just love glitter!

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