Decadent and Delicious Cadbury Creme Egg Cupcakes

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Okay, so I guess that you can probably tell by now that I enjoy cooking and baking for the seasons and holidays (ie: my Guinness Brownies and Beef Stew, my Ball Drop Punch Bowl and how about the New Year’s Cupcakes…the list goes on), but this one quite literally takes the cake.  The cupcake that is, the cupcake that is stuffed with a Cadbury Crème Egg.  Holy goodness that is a lot of decadence and deliciousness in one little handful!  The whole thing started out as an innocent trip to the grocery store with my four year old, Emmalynn.  As we walked toward the checkout line I saw her whole body lean precariously over the side of the cart while she tried to snatch a couple of Crème Eggs behind my back.  Well, she failed epically and almost knocked the entire cart over while doing so, but she did manage to get my attention focused on those mesmerizing little Cadbury Eggs.  I reluctantly grabbed a small handful and tossed them into the cart.  Not reluctant because I didn’t want them, oh no.  Reluctant only because they are a super slippery slope for me.  Once I eat one, I feel the need to run out and stockpile them because I love them so and they are only here for a short time.  In an effort to keep myself from shoving them all into my face as soon as we got home from the store, I decided that I should use them for some kind of recipe.  That way they would be earmarked and I would be slightly less tempted.  I quickly unwrapped them and tossed them into my freezer.  And that was when the magic happened!

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My sweet tooth had been craving cupcakes, and I thought to myself, “Self, it seems as though it would be a brilliant idea to combine these two yummy things and see what happens.  Worst case scenario is a sloppy mess that you can still spoon out of the cupcake liner.”  Yes, I am that person, the one that would lick it out of the pan if I had to.  Don’t judge me.  So I went about my merry way and made my cupcake batter.  I ended up using a boxed cupcake mix (gasp) and dropping a whole frozen crème egg into each cupcake before baking.  I think having the egg frozen is what prevented the melty mess from occurring, so make sure not to skip this step.

I baked my cupcakes about 5 minutes longer than the package suggested and held my breath in anticipation while I waited for them to cool and then frosted them.  I bit into one and was oh so excited to see that the entire crème egg was visible and still whole.  It hadn’t melted, and it was glorious!

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Yeah, hard to resist that baby.  I will admit that even the chocolate lover that I am could only eat one cupcake.  They were RICH!  But so, so outrageously tasty!  The kiddos were blown away and insisted that these were the best cupcakes ever.

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The stockpiling of Cadbury Crème Eggs will now commence!

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Linked at the Seasoned Homemaker, Ginger Snap Crafts, Savvy Southern Style, The Everyday Home, A Stroll Thru Life, House on the Way, Carolyn’s HomeworkPractically FunctionalDIY ShowoffThe Golden SycamoreI Heart Naptime

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  1. OMG! These look soooooooooooo good. I’m buying the Cadbury eggs next time I’m at the store. Pinning.

  2. I’m definitely going to try these out this weekend for a potluck I have at work. I saw that you said it was very rich. I thought maybe trying a vanilla frosting instead of chocolate might help. Any thoughts on that or other frosting ideas? I love chocolate so would be very pleased to keep that frosting, but trying to consider what OTHERS may want… I also wouldn’t be able to stand myself if I ended up having leftovers to take home and had to eat them all myself!

    • Haha Poonum, so funny! The cupcakes are rich, but anyone who loves Cadbury Creme Eggs will love the cupcakes. I think vanilla frosting sounds like a great idea, maybe cut down on the chocolate a bit. You could also make these using mini Cadbury Eggs, which also wouldn’t be quite as decadent. Whatever you decide, make sure to freeze the eggs before hand. And please let us know how they turn out.

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