Dimensional Hand Print Art – Last Minute Mother’s Day Gift


Dimensional Hand Print Art

Holy cow, the time is just flying by and Mother’s Day is literally right around the corner.  Have you thought about what to give your mom, your mother in law, grandmother or maybe even yourself?  I love to make handmade gifts with my kids to send to our relatives, but I somehow always seem to forget to make one for myself.  It is so frustrating to walk into my mom’s home, see a gift that I made with my munchkins years ago and realize that it is too late for me to make one of my own with them now.  Their monster feet don’t look quite as cute and sweet now as they did seven years ago!  But I have so, so slowly learned my lesson and I have made a handmade craft for myself this year.  I LOVE it, and let’s be honest, we all need to treat ourselves to a gift every now and then…we deserve it!  The great thing about this dimensional hand print art is that it took me all of 10 minutes, I had all of the supplies on hand, and my kids had a great time helping.  Happy Mother’s Day to me, indeed!

Supplies Needed

Scrapbook Paper

Stamp pad

Embossing powder

Heat Gun

Frame or Shadowbox



Step 1:

Drag your kid away from their homework Politely ask your child to put aside what they are working on to help you with a project.  Hold their hand out and cover with ink from a stamp pad.  I find it easiest to set their hand down on the table and basically just mash the stamp pad on it.  Be sure to cover all fingers and creases well.

Step 2:

With fingers spread, firmly place the little hand on the paper and push down.  Make sure that each finger has been pushed down and then lift directly up so you don’t smear the handprint.

Step 3:

(Sorry for the blurry pic – taken with my phone while quickly working)  Spread embossing powder over the ink immediately.  The powder needs to stick to the wet ink and the ink dries very quickly.  Time is of the essence for this step.  Once the area is covered with the embossing powder, use the paper as a funnel and pour all excess back into the jar.  Be sure to clean any area that you do not want raised off, as the powder will not come off once heated.

Step 4:

Using a heat gun, heat all areas covered with embossing powder just long enough that you see it bubble.  You can see the change as it is happening, and you must move the heat gun or it will burn your paper.

Hop over to my Facebook or Instagram pages to see a short video of the incredible transformation of the embossing powder!

Step 5:

Cut your paper around the handprint or frame as is.  I chose to use 3-d tape to attach my handprint to the backing paper.  Add to the frame and you have a one of a kind gift that any mother would love.


I am so glad that I made my own dimensional hand print art with the kids, and I am especially grateful that they were such willing participants.  I am blessed beyond compare to have those three little hooligans in my life and holding their sticky little hands will forever be some of my happiest memories.  Please, please, please, if you make gifts with your children for others, make one for yourself as well.  One day you will look back and be so glad that you did.  Happy Mother’s Day in advance to all my wonderful mom readers!  I hope that you enjoy the day that’s made to celebrate all you do!



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  1. […] everyone might not have the supplies for this Dimensional Hand Print Art from Down Home Inspiration, you can certainly take this idea and run with it.  You could do this […]

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