DIY Faux Fur Christmas Trees Made on the Cheap!

It’s no secret around here that I love me some faux fur, so while I was digging out my Christmas decorations and came upon my fur wreath that I made last year, I knew that I needed to add some more into my decor!  Luckily for me, I adored the way that the wreath turned out, so I decided to basically copy my own idea and made these gorgeous faux fur wreath Christmas trees on the cheap!


Supplies Needed:

styrofoam cones (of varying sizes)

white faux fur ribbon



I somehow had a little bit of my faux fur ribbon left over (I think that it was from when I made these Disney inspired hair bows???) so I grabbed a couple more rolls at Hobby Lobby while they were 50% off…making them only $3 a roll!  I used my 40% off coupon on the larger of the styrofoam cones and just sucked it up and paid full price for the smaller one.  My total came to just under $15 total for the two trees!


Although “they” tell you not to hot glue styrofoam, I totally do it anyway.  Yeah, it melts a tiny bit, but the glue still holds and it holds quickly and strongly.  So I used my trusty hot glue gun on this project, but any old glue will work.  I found that starting at the top of the cone was the best method for wrapping, but it doesn’t make the perfect point on the tip.  Personal choice on this one, I guess.


A dab of glue right at the top of the cone, and then a few dabs to tack down the first inch or so of ribbon, then just start wrapping the fur.  Overlap just enough that there isn’t any styrofoam showing, gluing a small section every few wraps to ensure that it doesn’t shift.  Wrap down to the bottom and glue.  Ta-da!


My hubby had a flashback to childhood when he saw my fur trees…he thought that they looked like snow ghosts!  As I think that is strictly a Montana thing, I’m going to say that my trees still look like, well trees!  And I love them!  What do you think…snow ghosts or pretty trees?


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  1. Totally look like snow ghosts. I had no idea that these were just a NW MT thing…perhaps you’ll be spreading this phenomena to the world.

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