DIY Flat Iron Holder (for less than $1!)

So I just got back from my whirlwind driving spree.  You guys, back and forth between North Carolina to Colorado is no joke!  I drove the kids out on Sunday and Monday (15 hours and 11 hours, respectively) and stayed at my parent’s house for three days then made the trek back on my own.  So four days driving, three days off in a week.  I was bushed.  I just don’t know how truck drivers do it, but they’ve got my respect!

Anywho, back on track here…while packing up to head to CO I realized that my flat iron holder that I had bought a couple of years ago was missing.  Of course I only noticed this the day before I left so there was virtually no time to find a replacement.  In my small town, stores are limited and there was not a single flat iron holder to be found.  Which is why I whipped up my own for less than $1!

flat iron holder

While stocking up on road trip snacks at Walmart, I ran over to the kitchen area and grabbed a two pack of hot pads for $0.87.  Not too shabby, huh?


As I’ve said many a time before, I am not a seamstress.  In fact, I pretty much just suck at sewing, but I can hem in a relatively straight line and that was all that was needed for this project.


It’s so easy I feel silly explaining it, but I simply folded the hot pad in half the long way and ran a hem straight down the side and then around the bottom to create a pocket.  I used a machine, but this could easily be done by hand as well.


I’m such a lazy seamstress that I didn’t even bother to change the thread out to match.


And that’s it!  Just slide the flat iron on in and you are good to go.  Next time you need to leave a hotel room you won’t have to wait until your flat iron has cooled completely.  Just throw it in this holder and go!


And at this price, why not make one for all the girls in your life?!

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