DIY Fur Wreath

When I painted my fireplace mantel a couple months ago, I changed the decor around a bit as well.  I went from having a large mirror as the focal point to using a pallet sign and an old window.  I love it, but it has been stressful for me at the same time.

I feel the pressure to hang a wreath on the window.

And not just any wreath, but one that I really love because I know that we will all be staring at it whenever we pass through the room or sit and hang out.  The problem is, I can’t always find exactly what I am looking for.

The window had been sitting bare for almost a month, getting so close to the Christmas deadline and silently taunting me with its empty hook to the point that I had no choice but to make my own wreath…the one that I was envisioning in my head but unable to find in any store.  I wanted to create a DIY fur wreath, incorporating the whites and red that I had used to decorate the rest of my living room.

I’ve gotta say that I am so glad that I did!  Here is how I made it:


Supplies Needed:

big red bow (mine was store bought, but you can make your own)

wreath form (this one was a leftover from my drink umbrella wreath – at the end of the season, I just removed the sun faded umbrellas)

white fur ribbon (I found mine at Hobby Lobby while it was on sale for $3 per package – I used three rolls)

hot glue gun


This is such a simple wreath.  Just start by hot gluing an end of the fur ribbon onto the back of the wreath and start wrapping it around.  Continue wrapping, overlapping as needed to make sure that the wreath does not peek through anywhere and glue the end down.


Fluff the fur as needed and glue your bow on.  The plushness and dimension of this wreath left me swooning!


I quickly hung it up on the window and was in love!  And then I got some super happy mail that changed it all again.


When these gorgeous White Dendrobium Orchids from the Pro Flowers Christmas Collection arrived on my doorstep I knew that they would look perfect on my mantel (ummm, that vase!!!).  So I opted for a white/metallics look instead.  And hey, here are some coupon codes in case you need some flowers too!


The fur wreath pulls the whole look together for either mantel and I am just kind of completely obsessed with it.  So tell me, which mantel do you prefer?

Thank you Pro Flowers for letting me experience the freshness and quality of your beautiful flowers in my own home.

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  1. Abbie Locklear says:

    Love the wreath and I really like the layered look of the window up against the wooden pallet! Very pretty girl……


  1. […] that I love me some faux fur, so while I was digging out my Christmas decorations and came upon my fur wreath that I made last year, I knew that I needed to add some more into my decor!  Luckily for me, I […]

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