DIY Ikat Pumpkin

So you may remember that little ol’ unartistic me was so excited to discover how easy it is to paint ikat.  I’ll admit that since there is no real talent needed to create beautiful looks, I have continued to paint just about everything that I can in the much loved blurred patterns.  And what better way to ring in fall than with an ikat pumpkin?  This beauty took me less than 30 minutes to paint (not counting drying time) and I was able to use the exact colors that I wanted so it would match my office.  Love it!


This pattern is only slightly different from the one I showed you a couple of weeks ago, so I’ll just give a super brief tutorial.  You can check out my video for more info on how I did it.

Start by drawing a triangle shape.  I cannot stress enough how perfection is so totally overrated and unnecessary here.  Make it whatever size suits your fancy and don’t worry about it being perfectly proportioned.


Fill in the triangle with the same color of paint.  It should look something like this:


Now using the technique that I showed you here, drag your brush in vertical strokes to “blur” the lines.  I like to go straight off of the lines, making sure to leave a bit of a point at the edges.  You can see in the picture below that I have blurred one quadrant.


You can use as many coats of paint or as many colors as you like, the possibilities are endless.  I ended up liking the look of one coat of paint and I used gray, coral and mint.  I had a hard time finding a coral craft paint, so I just mixed a hot pink and an orange in a 2:1 ratio to create my own.


It’s so exciting to be starting to decorate for fall!  I hope to have lots of DIY decor ideas up for you all in the coming weeks, so keep posted!

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