DIY Mini Cloche

cloche 1

Cloches seem to be all the rage right now in home décor, but for some reason they are hard to find and tend to be pretty expensive.  I knew that there had to be a way to make my own, so I took a trip to Hobby Lobby and walked the aisles looking for my DIY inspiration.   When I saw some small wood circles the idea started forming.  You could probably see the little light bulb over my head as I stood there flipping the circle over in my hands and talking to myself.  Yep, I’m that crazy lady at the craft store who is always talking to myself about my projects.  Thankfully for me, my four year old is usually with me so I just pretend that I am talking to her!

This is what the wood circles look like:

cloche wood

I just happened to luck into buying my supplies while wood items were 50% off at Hobby Lobby, but you could always use your coupon if they aren’t on sale when you are purchasing yours.  I also picked up some 1 1/2 inch ball knobs from the wood aisle at Hobby Lobby (also half off).  Then I headed next door to the dollar store for some glass.  I quickly found some vases that fit my wood circles almost perfectly.  With a quick hit of sandpaper it was a nice tight fit.  I spray painted my wood pieces black and hot glued my knobs on top of my vases.  That’s all there is to it!  A super quick project that you can use to decorate your home with year round.  And here is the final price breakdown:

Vase: $1 from Dollar Tree

Wood Circle: $0.67 from Hobby Lobby

Ball Knobs: $2 (for 9) from Hobby Lobby

Cloche Collage


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  1. These are too cute. I have just the right spot for them.


  1. […] chips or sprinkles would all be great options as well.  Don’t they look adorable in this sweet little cloche?  Are you looking for some more holiday treats?  If so, you may want to check out my chocolate […]

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