Dollar Store Mobile Homework Station

Back to school generally causes me to feel the need to re-organize a bit to try to overcome our summer laziness and get back into the swing of things.  My kiddos have been back in school for a month now, but I still feel like I am playing catch up a bit just to stay on our toes.  Three kids, three different grades and three sets of homework to complete every day can be overwhelming.  This dollar store mobile homework station has already been put to good use as we tackle the nightly assignments.

mobile homework station

One of the greatest things about this project is how economical it is.  I grabbed a divided carrier and some plastic glasses (2 sets of 2) from my local dollar store, bringing my total up to $3.  You can decorate it any way you’d like by adding ribbons to the carrier, washi tape to the glasses, letting your kids paint it…whatever you can think of to make it “yours.”

mobile homework station

I let my kids weigh in on where to put their items and which we felt we used often enough that it would be helpful to have them so close at hand.  Colored pencils, markers, glue, sharpened pencils, rulers and scissors are all used often for their homework so we added them to the mobile station.

mobile homework station

We usually do homework at our kitchen bar, so having the mobile homework station is a perfect way for me to easily hide the supplies when they aren’t in use.  And for $3, it seems to be a great way to keep the kids from searching all over for the needed items when they sit down to get their homework done.

mobile homework station

One of our other recently added organization tool, our family command center, is still being put to good use and helping to keep us all on track.  The only thing that I feel like it is missing is an additional calendar so we can be planning out the next month at the same time.  Life gets crazy and sometimes you have things to add to your calendar far in advance.  As it is, I am just writing notes to hang up on the cork board but I will probably add a store bought paper calendar to the cork board.

mobile homework station

How do you get back on track for school?  Any organizational tips would be super appreciated!

command center

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