Dream Master Closet Part 1

Eeeekkk!!!!  I’m at it again.  Time to take a room in my home that has been just barely working for me and making me absolutely crazy since we moved in and turn it into my dream space.  If you’ve been following awhile you may have seen my laundry room makeover, and now I’m ready to tackle the master closet.  Having lived in a home for no longer than two years at a time for my entire life, I still struggle with changing things around too much because I am always questioning re-sale value, if I’ll be able to recoup my investment, if it’s worth my time, etc.  But we have now been in this home almost 5 years (what?!?!) and I have been slowly but surely realizing that we will be here for some time still and I need to make this house exactly what I want it to be.

closet makeover

Enter my master closet.  It is, delicately put, atrocious.  The room has a very odd shape, albeit a fair amount of space.  It just wasn’t being utilized well and it quickly became a straight up dumping ground because the lack of shelving had us stacking things on the floor.  Well, put enough items stacked nicely on the floor and then you run out of that space and start just throwing things in there.  I mean, literally throwing things in there.  Eew.

closet makeover

Funny side story that explains just about everything you need to know about me: I had a couple of ladies from the PTO over for a breakfast meeting last year.  I had set out some store bought snack foods and coffee which was great, except it never occurred to me that people might want to microwave the cinnamon rolls.  After having wowed the guests with how clean and tidy my home was, they busted out laughing when they saw just what a gross mess my microwave was.  Cream of wheat caked on the side, who knows what else splattered all over.  It was gross.  But that is the perfect example of what my home is.  Never look in a closet or small space that can be easily closed off because that is where I hide my mess.  It looks clean on the surface, but get too close and you’ll find my nasty areas!  But I’ve found that people love to see that side too.  They like to know that they aren’t alone when it comes to shoving things in a closet before company comes over.  Well trust me, I’m definitely a mess hider!!!

closet makeover

But back to the closet…I spent some time coming up with a design that made my heart happy.  I thought that using prefab items would make this a super simple and quick build, so I made my shopping list and headed the two plus hours away to Ikea to put my ideas into motion.  Buuuuuut, I had quickly tried to take all of my measurements with a closet full of stuff and had measured incorrectly.  Ugh, the prefab stuff is not going to fit.

closet makeover

Back to the drawing board, I decided to do custom builds to take advantage of the space and fit just the way I need it to.  More time, probably a bit more money, but SO much more useable space.

closet makeover

So that is where we stand right now.  Busting my booty to get the space completed and back together because my bedroom has been taken over with all of the stuff from my closet.  I’ll be keeping you updated for the next couple of weeks on the progress.  In the meantime, I’d love to hear what you think about my design!





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  1. […] before shots just make me cringe.  I’m not going to lie…there are some pictures that I really […]

  2. […] post on the big dream closet makeover.  In case you missed any of it, you can take a peek at the before photos and plan, the in progress shots, my Pottery Barn Jewelry Cloche knockoff and the big reveal.  But for now I […]

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