We are having a big shindig this summer and one of my tasks was to decide on one mixed drink that the entire party (minus the kiddos, obviously) could partake in and enjoy. Let me tell you…this was hard work. Oh yeah, getting being forced to try out every fruity cocktail that I’ve pinned over the years was awful. Never let someone twist your arm like that and get stuck with the dirty work. All jokes aside, each drink that I made needed a slice of fruit and a mini drink umbrella to top it off or it felt incomplete. But I found out that those cute little umbrellas can do so much more than just adorn a yummy drink. You can use a hundred or so to make a super fun, bright and cheerful drink umbrella wreath to welcome your friends and family into your home and let them know they came to the right place to par-tay!
Really, this wreath could not be much easier to make, so the directions are pretty clear cut. I picked up a couple boxes of drink umbrellas (you could get away with one box, I just wanted more color options) and a wreath form for less than $10 and pulled out my trusty hot glue gun tand got to work.
After fluffing each umbrella up, I added a dab of hot glue to the toothpick and pushed it on in to the wreath form. Be sure to add a bit of glue to the toothpick where it rests on the wreath if it feels wobbly. You don’t want umbrellas blowing away in the wind when you close your door!
I sat and watched a quick DVRed show and before I knew it I was done. It’s a bit tedious, but goes by relatively quickly and you are left with a super happy wreath. Now my cocktails aren’t alone with their cheerful parasols!
[…] Drink Umbrella Wreath […]