Easiest Ever 10 Minute Broccoli Beef (and a Giveaway!)

This post was sponsored by Blue Dragon as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.

Having grown up in small town America my whole life I have kind of missed out on that whole “takeout” experience.  The closest that I get is to order a pizza from the local joint, but sometimes you just get a craving for an amazing meal that is hot and on your table with just about zero effort and takeout fits the bill.

If you’re like me, or even if you have a drawer crammed full of takeout menus from your favorite spots, this meal is for you.  It is seriously the easiest ever 10 minute broccoli beef recipe and it has incredible and authentic taste, plus it is healthier (you know what is in it!) and fresh.


Because I know you must be doubting that this dish could seriously be made in ten minutes, let me give you the details…


I grabbed Blue Dragon Broccoli Beef sauce, a red onion and some minute rice from my pantry.  Setting my wok on the stove top, I added a tablespoon of oil and turned it to medium high heat to warm while I cut my steak.  I also set my water on to boil for the minute rice at this time.  Having purchased sliced steak, I simply cut the strips into smaller, bite sized portions and then added to the wok.  While that was cooking (about 3-5 minutes until browned), I sliced up the red onion and set it aside while I quickly washed and chopped the broccoli.


By this time the water for the rice was boiling, so I added the rice, turned the heat off and covered.  Then I added the onion and broccoli to the wok and cooked for an additional 3 minutes or so.


And believe it or not, I was now done cooking dinner!  I simply poured a packet of Blue Dragon Broccoli Beef sauce on top and stirred well to combine and dinner was served!


You guys, I cannot say enough about how easy and awesome this “takeout” style meal was to create at home.  I was floored.  Most of the time when you hear “25 minute meals” or what have you, it always takes me double that between chopping and prepping and then actually cooking the meal.  This was no joke done in 10 minutes.

If you live in the Boston (Demoulas, Stop & Shop, Shaws), Charlotte (Harris Teeter and Food Lion), Baltimore (Giant Landover) or Philly areas (Shoprite and Giant Carlisle), run, don’t walk to your store and pick up some sauce!  You can also order it online at Blue Dragon.  They have broccoli beef, General Tao, pad thai, sweet & sour, szechuan pepper and honey teriyaki flavors.  I’m looking forward to trying them all!


Now if you are looking for more super quick and delicious meals, make sure to enter the giveaway so you can win a Blue Dragon Cookbook and join the Twitter party on February 8th from 1-2pm ET #EastMadeEasy.  There will be more giveaways there too (2 pre-party winners and 6 party winners will each receive 1 $50 Amazon Gift Code, as well as a Blue Dragon Prize Pack (ARV $100)!



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  1. Chinese takeout!

  2. Favorite take out is chicken chow mein

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