Family Tree Log Slice Guest Book

My grandparents just celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary this past weekend.  Yes, 60 years!!!  It’s such an incredible accomplishment and we were so lucky to have a big family party to celebrate them and their love.  We had 2 of their 3 children, 5 of the 8 grandchildren (2 are out of the country) and all 5 of their great grandkids in attendance and we wanted to be sure to have a guest book so that my grandparents would be able to look back and remember being surrounded by so much love.  I was tasked with the guest book and was excited to think outside the box a bit and this family tree log slice guest book was perfect for them!


My grandparents have spent the last thirty plus years in Montana, so we knew that we wanted to have a rustic theme for their party.  They live on 10 acres out of town, surrounded by trees and wildlife.  They are basically the definition of rustic themselves, in the best way.  (These pictures were taken from their back deck on our last trip home.  The three day drive explains the dirty hair and no makeup look.  Haha!)




I bought the log slice from Michaels for less than $10, using my 40% coupon.  I had planned on using my Silhouette and vinyl to create a stencil for the tree and paint it on, but I ended up asking my talented hubby to free hand it as I was running out of time.  We set it up on the table at the party with a green stamp pad so that our family members could add their “leaf” fingerprint to the family tree.


I plan on using a spray clear sealant to make sure that it will be preserved and cherished for years to come.  I am so happy with the way that the guest book turned out and my grandparents absolutely adore it.  If you are looking for a great alternative to a guest book, this one is pretty fantastic.  (I somehow didn’t snap a photo after everyone had added their fingerprint.  I guess that was the last thing I was thinking about during the festivities.)


And if anyone deserves a great gift, it is my grandparents.  They are two of the most amazing people that I know and I love them more than I can say.  I am so overjoyed that we were able to celebrate this milestone with them!

Love you Pop and Gram!!!

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