FAQ About my $10 and 10 Minute Window Valances

Wow, this post has been awhile in the making.  I was blown away by the amount of interest that my $10 and 10 minute window valance post created, and even more surprised by the astonishing number of pins (over 153,000 directly from Down Home Inspiration!!!) and emails that I receive about it.  I’ve gotten so many incredible responses, but also a handful or persistent questions, so I decided to address those with this “all you need to know” FAQ post.  Let’s dive right in, shall we?


“Where can I find the foam?”

This is a tough one for me to answer fully as my local Lowes always seems to have it in stock, although in different locations.  I can usually find it in the insulation aisle, and you can occasionally look it up on the website before shopping, enter your zip code and it should tell you the exact aisle in which to find it.  I have seen it in about five different locations just in my one store, so I have been stuck walking the entire store to find it a few times.  The employees never seem to know where to find it either.

I do not have a Home Depot locally, so I’m not much help in where it can be found there.  Sorry!

You can order it online, although you’ll likely pay a bit more for it.  Just search for “polystyrene foam panels” or “EPS foam.”  The panels that I used came in a 6 pack (size was 3/4″ x 13 5/8″ x 48″) and cost $9.


“Wait, how did you hang that?”

As I have since come to understand, I did not give great info on how I hung my valances.  I can’t tell you how many people I have sent a couple of small cell phone photos to, trying to just quickly explain the process, so let me expand on it a bit here.  While holding the valance up (ps: it’s easier to do this with two people, but I did all of mine on my own, so it is doable!), use a small finish nail and push it through the valance and then hammer it directly into the window casing.  (If you need a hole free solution, you can check out this post).  I used two nails per side to hang mine.  This is what it looks like from the side:


A clever reader mentioned that she hammered the nails into the casing first, leaving them out about 1/2″ and then pushed the foam onto the nails.  Great idea!


“My window is longer than the foam panel.  Can I make the valance long enough to cover my window?”

Here’s the thing…I never want to tell you something works if I haven’t tried it myself.  That being said, I did make a valance that was larger than the length of one panel.  Actually, it is the valance that you see in the main photos for them.  I chose to use duct tape to piece two panels together to create a valance that is 64″ long.  I did not reinforce it with anything other than the tape, and it has hung perfectly for almost two years with no issue whatsoever.  I’ve received a lot of questions about making them extremely long, and the truth is, I just don’t know.  I can tell you from my personal experience that my longer panel is just as sturdy as my shorter ones (but be sure to take more care when hanging), but I don’t know if it will work on your 120″ window.  If anyone has tried, I’d love to hear from you!

“But can’t you see the pins/foam from underneath or outside?”

Real question for ya…do you ever stand closer than 3 inches with your back to a window and look directly up?  No?  Alright good, then that answers one question.  Unless you are doing something crazy, there is pretty much no way that you will inadvertently see the pins and foam from underneath.  Could you?  Yes, but chances are extremely high that your secret will be safe.  Remember that the sides are only 3 inches long, so it hugs the window tightly enough that you just don’t have much of an opportunity to see underneath it.

I took this photo looking up by holding my phone directly against the blinds.  Not much to see up there.


If you’re anything like me, I like to keep as much light coming into my house as possible, and make my windows seems larger.  I went out of my way to hang my valance as high as I could, so it just covers the top casing.  If hung this high, there is nothing to be seen from outside.  If you were to hang the valances to cover part of your window, then yes, that would be a concern.  You could just wrap the fabric further up the back of the panel to hide it.

Okay, did I miss anything?  Do you have any questions about the valances that I missed?  Let me know and I’d be happy to add them to the post.  Also, I’d love to see your valances that you’ve created.  Feel free to comment below, email me at downhomeinspiration@gmail.com or hit me up on Facebook or Twitter.


Just look at these beauties that an awesome reader (hi Jennifer!) sent over:


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  1. Melissa says:

    This is definitely one of my fav posts and projects, that is sooo easy. I made one for a fairly long window in my kitchen, so to comment on the can I make my valence longer…here is what I did. I taped the foam together with whatever tape I had. I think packing, but duck tape is probably better. I took a piece of shim wood, ok, it was a piece of a wooden paint stirrer to be honest, and basically stabbed it into the middle back of my valence (I cut a little slit with a box cutter of the fabric, and then attached my valance a little higher than the top of my window so that this piece of flat wood rested on top of the window trip at the top middle. I put a couple of nails through the wood (which was stuck into the foam) into the top of the window trim, and the sides were attached just as described in the tutorial. Hope that was not too confusing. I have since made one for a bedroom and even took it with as in a move.

  2. Hi! I love the window treatments with the curtain sheers, blinds, and valence. Can you explain how the curtain sheers are put up under the valence in conjunction with the blinds? I’m looking at my window now wondering how I would get the sheers and the blinds to fit. I plan on doing this for 4 windows in my home. Super excited! Thanks for the great tutorial

  3. I am wanting to do this on my sliding glass door. How would you suggest hanging it without alot of holes?

  4. so glad I found your site-such a clever idea . I hate all the valances I have seen in the stores now I can pick the fabric I want. thank you for sharing and making all look good

  5. Then window I want to do this for doesn’t have a casing so how would I hang it?

  6. I love these and want to make them but have one question. I understand the width measurement – but what is the height of the valance itself? It should cover the woodwork on the sides of the windows – bu what is the vertical measurement of the valance?

  7. I love the is idea but can’t find the foam online to buy it do you have a link you could send to me? Thanks Jody

    • Hi Jody, unfortunately I don’t have a link. I bought my foam panels at Lowes and it seems that they either don’t sell the package online or that they have significantly upped the price. I pair less than $10 for a package of 4 or 5 panels (sorry, don’t remember exactly) and they show that 1 piece is now $10. If you get on their website you can search “Perma R panel” and you can see what I am talking about. Sorry I can’t be more help!


  1. […] Because this post has become so popular, I’ve since updated it by showing how to hang the valance with no damage, and no holes to be renter friendly.  Check it out here.  I’ve also added a FAQ post that answers the burning questions sent to me by readers that can be found here. […]

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