Gourmet Flavored Ice Cubes

As boring as my kids think it is, I try to keep my family drinking water 90% of the time.  My kids love juice and sweet tea (anything that is sweet, if I am honest), but I know how much added sugar is in those drinks so I rarely allow them in the house.  But sometimes we are wanting something more than water.  A little flavor in water goes a long way, and fresh fruit is such a great way to add it.  These gourmet flavored ice cubes change up the game with next to no effort.


So here’s the crazy thing about making these ice cubes…I’ve had refrigerators with built in ice makers for so long that I had to go out and buy ice trays!  While I was purchasing them I stocked up on some fresh fruit, mint and basil.


For the strawberry basil ice cubes, pictured above, I finely chopped some strawberries, filled about a third of the ice cube tray space (seriously, I just thought about what to call that for three minutes…any ideas?) and then added two leaves of coarsely chopped basil.  I filled the remaining space with boiled water.


In the photo above you can see both blueberries and lemon flavored cubes.  I filled the space almost to the top with blueberries and filled to remaining space with boiling water.  The lemon cubes each had two small slices and were again filled with boiling water.


These blueberry basil cubes might just be my favorite.  It’s such a fun flavor combo!  As with the strawberry basil ice cubes above, I coarsely chopped two leaves of basil and added them to blueberries filling half of the space.  Boiling water topped it all off.


I also made plain strawberry and lemon and blueberry ice cubes.  Diced strawberries filled half of the space with boiling water taking the rest.  And two slices of lemon with a couple of blueberries were perfect with the boiling water on top.


They taste great, look stunning in a glass of water and add some yummy flavor to give your tastebuds a happy surprise.  Go ahead and whip some up in your favorite flavor combos and enjoy them all year long!


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