Free Kitchen Printables for Valentine’s Day


I’m in full decorating mode for Valentine’s Day now, to the point that it looks like a pink and red heart filled bomb exploded in my living room.  There are garlands and flowers, doilies and conversation hearts, chocolates strewn about and cards waiting to be addressed and mailed.  Yet through all of this, my kitchen has remained relatively holiday décor free and I figured that it was time to do something about that.  So I whipped up some fun and free printables that are perfect for framing and displaying.  I like to frame mine and set them on top of my upper cabinets.  And I’m pretty sure that I’ve already explained that I am a total word play nerd, so these should come as no surprise.  I chose to leave the background white so that you may print them off on any color cardstock to match your own kitchen colors a bit better.  Hope you love them as much as I do!

To print: Select a picture below and click to open it in a new window.  Once there, right click on the picture to pull up the options.  Select “save picture.”  You should now be able to go to your pictures folder and locate the image.  You will notice a “print” option available on the top bar.  Click that and make sure that your settings are adjusted for an 8 x 10 (or smaller) printing.

orange you glad

olive you

perfect pear

Berry Best

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