Getting out to Play with BGCA

I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Boys & Girls Club of America. I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation.

My kiddos and I are enjoying the incredible fall weather while we are in Montana (I’ll fill you in on that tomorrow) and are getting out and keeping active while we are at it.  Any time that I can marry the great outdoors with fitness is a win win in my book, so I’m soaking it up as much as I can before going back home to the stifling humidity that makes me want to stay in air conditioned rooms.  We spent yesterday enjoying a beautiful four mile hike in the woods and my kids cannot wait to do it again!  (Ignore my son’s weird face here…he was trying to yell “capture” at my phone so it would take the picture.)


I was reading through the Boys and Girls Clubs of America Triple Play Parent’s Game Plan the other day and it was a great reminder for me how important it is for kids to build healthy habits from a young age.


With 3 out of 10 American kids either overweight or obese it is more important than ever to make sure that we are providing opportunities to be active.  The BGCA, in conjunction with their partners, are working to combat that using the Triple Play program.  The Triple Play Game Plan offers a holistic approach to health by focusing on the mind, body and soul and I love that!


If you are on the lookout for new ways to keep your kids healthy and happy, have them participate in moderate to vigorous activity for 60 minutes every day (only 1/4 of 12-15 year olds in the US are meeting that!) and be sure to check out the BGCA Triple Play Parent’s Game Plan for some fresh ideas.


You can also find some great stuff on BGCA’s Facebook and Twitter pages.  With support from incredible partners like The Coca-Cola Company and Anthem Foundation, Clubs will build the next generation of leaders, motivating kids to be healthy through nutrition and health education, more access to healthy foods, avoidance of risky behaviors and a lifelong commitment to fitness.  That’s definitely something that I can get behind!


And in the meantime, you know where we will be…busy exploring the great outdoors!



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