From Gross to Great with NO Scrubbing

Thanks to Influence Central and Scrubbing Bubbles for forcing me to clean my dirty, dirty shower.  While I did receive a promotional item for participating, all opinions are 100% my own.

There are lots of things that happen behind closed doors that we all prefer not to talk about, but I am not talking about any old closed door today, I am talking about the bathroom door.  And things happen behind my closed bathroom doors that I am embarrassed to admit, things like what you will see here…

It may scar you for life…

Or you may walk away, thinking “Oh thank goodness, I am not the only one!”

Either way, let’s get right in to the horrifically disgusting mess that is also known as my bathroom shower.

I can neither confirm nor deny that I allowed my shower to grow all kinds of nastiness in order to truly put Scrubbing Bubbles Multi Purpose Bathroom Cleaner to the test, there is a small possibility that the neglect that is so obvious was to give you a better before and after picture.  Or it could be that this over worked momma has four bathrooms that three children and a husband (who might as well be a child) use, and I could never find enough time in my schedule to keep them all simultaneously clean, but yeah, let’s say that is was specifically for this experiment.

Alright, like a small puppy being house broken, let’s rub my nose in the mess to give you an up close shot of just how yucky my shower was.  Maybe it will teach me a lesson.  (The worst part about this picture is that it was taken just after I had sprayed the Scrubbing Bubbles on and it was already taking effect, so yes, it was worse than this.  Hangs head in shame.)

Part of what holds me back from keeping all of our bathrooms clean is the feeling that I don’t have the time to scrub every surface.  I was so incredibly impressed by the ability of Scrubbing Bubbles to cut through the mold and the soap scum with almost no work on my end.  I literally just wiped it down with a wet wash cloth after allowing it to sit for five minutes, NO scrubbing involved!  I guess they really do “the work so you don’t have to.”  Haha!

And when things like this happen “behind closed bathroom doors” in your home on a near weekly basis, you need all the cleaning help you can get!

Here is my sweet son, oh so helpfully washing his buddy.

Trying to air dry and de-funk hockey gear is one of my least favorite activities, and I am sure that my bathtub feels the same!  Between my husband and my son, there is a never ending cycle of gear in there.

Thankfully Scrubbing Bubbles kills 99.9% of viruses and bacteria and it expands to clean all of those hard to get to nooks and crannies.  I love that it has two great scents (fresh or lemon) instead of an overpowering “cleaner” smell.  It is perfect for tubs, showers and sinks.  Gotta love a one stop shop that delivers a complete clean!

So the moral of the story is, with everything that happens behind my bathroom door, I have found my new go to bathroom cleaner for a complete clean, and there is a small chance that I have been publicly shamed enough by sharing these photos with you all that I will keep my showers clean at all times.

I also learned some really humorous and surprising results from the “Behind Closed Bathroom Doors” Campaign from Scrubbing Bubbles and would love to share some with you.  According to the Dirty Work Index:

*43% of males admit to urinating in the shower compared to 29% of women

*1/3 of people agree that the bathroom is the dirtiest room in their house

*40% of people wash their pets in the bath, but 29% of women still wash their delicate clothes in the same bathtub

*1/4 of Millennials would rather eat a fry that fell on the floor 10 seconds ago than clean their toilets

Okay, that last one had me cracking up!  Check out the Scrubbing Bubbles website to learn more, see the products and even get tips.  You know I’ll be there, I clearly need all the help I can get with keeping my bathrooms clean!

What is your least favorite thing to clean in your bathroom?  How do you keep yourself from overlooking it?  Share it all over on Scrubbing Bubbles Facebook and Twitter.



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