Homemade Frozen Play Dough

Homemade Frozen Play Dough


Aah, Frozen.  Never has a movie come along that has so excited my daughters.  We live to the soundtrack, have the movie on a constant loop in our DVD player and even take photo shoots like this:


But of course we needed MORE!  So last weekend the girls and I whipped up some homemade play dough, making sure that it was the correct color for Elsa and that it had lots and lots of glitter.  I mean, has there ever been a Disney character who personifies glittery amazingness the way the Elsa does?!

There are tons of recipes out there for homemade play dough, but we chose to use the following:

Homemade Frozen Playdough
Quickly make your own play dough with supplies from your kitchen
Recipe type: Play
  • 2 cups all purpose flour
  • 2 cups water
  • ¾ cup salt
  • 1 Tbsp oil
  • 1 tsp cream of tartar
  • food coloring
  • glitter
  1. Start by adding food coloring to water to achieve a more even distribution.
  2. Combine water, flour, salt, oil and cream of tartar in a large saucepan and cook over medium heat, while stirring constantly.
  3. Continue stirring until it forms play dough, about 5 - 10 minutes.
  4. Set onto wax paper and allow to come to room temperature. When cooled, add glitter and knead in.
  5. Store in an airtight container.

To get the color that we were hoping to achieve, we used a 3 blue to 1 green ratio.  I let the girls add the glitter, so I’m not quite sure how much we used, but I am guessing it’s about 1/3 cup.

I will admit that I was nervous to make this mess in my saucepan and curious if I would be able to clean it up.  It ended up being super easy to clean, I just soaked it while we played and it wiped right out.


Do you have children who love Frozen?  If so, they will love this fun activity!

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  1. Approximately how much does this recipe yield? Trying to determine quantity for party favors. Thanks!!!!


  1. […] created snowmen, snowflakes, and even a cottage. You can find the recipe for this play dough at Home Down Inspiration. I also recycled Elsa Yogurt cups and sent all of our party friends home with their own Frozen […]

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