How I Owned my Strong – Mudderella Run Recap

I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Mudderella. I received complimentary admission to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.

Alright guys, I am so excited to fill you in on all of the dirty details of my recent Mudderella mud run.  I’ll start by saying that there is really no better way to exercise than by hanging with your girlfriends, testing yourselves and getting a free beer at the end.

No better way.  Period.

Add in some obstacles and a little mud, and you’ve got me hooked!


This is our “after” photo. Behind us is the very last obstacle, the Hat Trick.


The nearest run for me was up in the DC area, but it ended up working out perfectly and being a great excuse to visit my BFF Melissa, of The Happier Homemaker.


Melissa and I, pre run.


My hilarious, and much younger friend, Kate took it upon herself to make some team t-shirts.  I had been traveling right before the run and received the following text message from her:

“I may or may not be making us all shirts.  Muhahaha  #bedazzleskillzthatkillz”

I was understandably nervous and excited to see them at the same time.  When we all arrived for the run, she hands me this tiny pink fringy thing and proceeds to tell me that she messed one up so it is really short, therefore I have to wear it.

Thanks, Kate.

After an inner (well, outer too…my poor hubby had to weigh in) debate, I decided to just go with the crop top look and rock it.  I mean, is there a better time than during a run designed for women, by women that is meant to empower you and help you “own your strong?”  I think not.


Our pre run group photo. From left to right is Melissa, myself, Kate and her rockin’ sister Andrea.


We all got our wristbands and kissed the husbands and kids goodbye.  Melissa and I had our kids participate in the Fruit Shoot Mini Mudder kid’s run while we were doing ours.  (Not only did it give them something other than how long it took us to focus on, they had a blast! )  Then we were off to put on some fun temporary tattoos and start our warm ups while waiting for our heat to start.


When it was our turn to start, we all headed out the gate full of excitement and energy.  There is something really overwhelmingly powerful about a large group of women, not competing, not trying to outdo one another, but working together towards a goal.  There were tons of times throughout the run that I heard women encouraging those around them.  It was amazing to see.


Coming out of our first obstacle, Down to the Wire.


We pushed through Down to the Wire, Break the Glass Ceiling, I’ve Got Your Back, New Heights, Dirty Downward Dog, Squeaky Clean, Mud Majesty, Tough Ta Tas and Hat Trick.  We ended up skipping the Wheels in Motion obstacle after standing in line in the hot and humid DC weather for twenty five minutes and not moving.  The other obstacles were very quick, and we breezed through them.  It was just this one that had us backed up.  You can see all of the obstacles here, and find great training tips here.  The video below is from I’ve Got Your Back.  Loved it!

As we neared the last obstacle we all high fived and were laughing about the muddy handprints on each other’s butts.  We’d had an awesome day making memories with each other (like when Melissa’s shoe literally got stuck in the mud on Mud Majesty…I had to dig it out) while being strong, having fun and enjoying the day as a team.


Coming out of the pool after Hat Trick.


Once we were done, we grabbed our swag and headed straight for our nice cold beer.  Shock Top’s Lemon Shandy hit the spot after the six miles and ten obstacles!  Melissa and I may or may not have chugged ours in hopes that we would be able to see our kids finish their runs.  🙂


We definitely owned our strong! FINISHERS!


If you are looking for a fun way to marry fitness and hanging out with your girlfriends, look no farther.  Check out the upcoming runs to see if one is coming near you.  I totally recommend it!  And because Mudderella wants you all to have fun while owning your strong they are offering a 20% off discount.  Whoot whoot!  Use the code MUDDBLOGGER20 to receive 20% off any 2015 US Mudderella event.


Right now Mudderella has 9 US and two Canadian events planned for 2015, but you never know we might just decide to add a few more along the way, so be sure to check out for all the latest info.  The current 2015 event schedule of events is:

–        Colorado – August 22, 2015 – Snowmass Village, CO

–        Pittsburgh – September 12, 2015 – Slippery Rock, PA

–        Whistler – September 26, 2015 – Blackcomb Mountain, Whistler, BC Canada

–        New England – October 3, 2015 – Thompson, CT

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  1. […] her adorable boys are coming for a visit this week!  I haven’t seen her since we did the Mudderella run together back in July and I am in desperate need of some girl time.  Since she is coming to […]

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