How to Make a $5 Coffee Filter Wreath

After redoing my mantel a few months back and changing my decor from a large mirror over my fireplace to instead using a pallet sign with an old wooden window leaning in front of it, I am in constant need of new wreaths to spruce up the window.  And that’s a good thing for me…I love wreaths.  This has given me the opportunity to make multiple new wreaths and quickly update my decor for each season (here are the links to my Halloween, fall and Christmas wreaths).

That’s how I happened upon making this awesomely fluffy and gorgeous $5 coffee filter wreath.


This was such a simple project, but I will admit that it took me a little longer than I had anticipated.  I gathered my supplies and turned on my guilty pleasure (is anyone else watching The Royals?  I love it!) and got to work.  It ended up taking me close to an hour and a half, but part of that time was spent allowing my glue gun to reheat as I have a cordless.  Here are the supplies that you will need to make your own:


12 inch styrofoam wreath (I picked mine up at Michaels using my 40% off coupon)

coffee filters (I purchased a pack of 200 from Walmart and used 198 of them!)

hot glue gun and sticks

a large marker or pen


Start by putting your marker or pen into the middle of the inside of a coffee filter.  Wrap the filter around the pen and add a dollop of hot glue to the top.  The marker is to save your fingers from molten hot glue, so make sure to use it…not that I would know from experience or anything…

Use the marker to push the glue portion of the coffee filter onto the wreath and hold it for a second or two so that it can dry.

And repeat.

Like a bunch of times.

Sooo many times.  198 to be exact in my case.  Just fill in all along the wreath form, keeping the filters close together.  There is no rhyme or reason.


Fluff the filters so that none of the wreath form is showing through and you are left with a stunner.  I was so surprised by the massiveness of this guy.  I mean, just look at the layers and layers of awesome fluff!

The best part of this wreath to me is that it can be easily updated and adapted to fit any holiday or theme that you are working with.  Just classy plain white, a few sweet pink and red hearts for Valentine’s Day, some eggs for Easter…you get the point.


I used some fishing line to hang mine by just wrapping it around the wreath and tying a knot to put over the window latch.  I am so, so in love with this.  To be honest, I was nervous when I started because I thought that it would just look like a bunch of coffee filters in a circle.  But it doesn’t.  Not at all.  It’s just gorgeous.


What do you think?  Do you have a favorite wreath that you can update through the seasons?

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