How to Prevent and Treat Ingrown Hairs

Summer brings about so many wonderful things, but it also brings with it bikini season.  And bikini season means that it’s time to spruce up the ahem, downstairs, if you know what I mean.  That can cause some issues with red bumps and ingrown hairs, but there are ways that you can prevent and even treat them.  So take a quick read below before you head out to the pool or beach this summer to see how you can prevent ingrown hairs!


Ingrown hairs are hairs that have managed to curl around and grow back into the skin instead of coming out from it.  And because curly hair is more likely to bend back, the bikini line is especially prone to them.  They can also be brought on by friction and rubbing (hello low rise skinny jeans!).  Most ingrown hairs will go away on their own, but if they don’t there are ways to treat them.  A doctor can make a small cut in the skin to release it or prescribe steroids, Retin A or an oral antibiotic.  I think we can all agree that prevention is best, so here are some great ideas to help you out…

Exfoliate!  This is the number one tip.  Removing the dead skin cells helps the hair grow back normally above the skin.

Be sure to always use a new, sharp razor.  The duller the blade, the more likely you are to get ingrown hairs.

Allow yourself to be in warm water for 3-5 minutes before shaving.  This helps to open the pores.

Use a lubricating or shave gel and shave in the same direction that the hair grows.

Shave with as few strokes as possible and rinse the blade with water after each stroke.

Applying a cool washcloth when you have finished shaving can help calm any irritation.

I hope these tips will help you have a bump free, bikini ready summer!


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