Living Room Design

When my hubby and I broke down and decided to put a TV in our living room about a year ago we started talking about buying some comfortable couches.  The couches we had worked well enough (they were hand me downs from my parents!), but if we were having a binge session nobody was comfortable.  We wanted to make a super cozy and welcoming space that we would all want to hang out in and just spend time together in.  And this is what it looks like currently:

Yes, that is tape to mark the spaces for pieces that I’ve ordered.  Ugh.

Cut to a month ago when we walked into a La-z-Boy showroom while on vacation.  My hubby and kids raced for a living room set that I thought was absolutely hideous.  In fact, I told my hubs not to even bother trying it out because I wouldn’t put it in my living room.  Of course he sat down and he obviously fell in love with it.  After walking through the whole store, I finally broke down and tried the set he loved…and well, we bought the couch and love seat on the spot.  They were just so darn comfortable that we couldn’t resist.  My butt totally won over my heart.  And I’d like to clarify that the couches aren’t ugly.  They are a completely different aesthetic than what I would normally choose is all.

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen my story where I was basically begging for design help.  Here is the video I posted so you can see what I’m working with:

Here is my list of issues:

  • Lack of defined space.  There is one wall, the rest is open.  There needs to be plenty of walking space as this is the main pass through in my home.
  • Reclining couches with unattractive backs.  Wanting to hide the back that is open to the room but need to have space for it to recline.
  • Hoping to keep the love seat facing the TV as my hubs and I prefer to snuggle on it.  If we sit on the sofa and both recline we can’t see each other over the middle seat.
  • Not feeling like there is space for 4 end tables.
  • Is it all too eclectic?  My space is always kind of just whatever works, but I’m worried this might be too scattered.  Thoughts?  Too modern to mix the sheepskin rug with the gray leather couches?


Our living room just causes me untold amounts of stress.  So here I am, once again begging for help.  Here are the items that I have purchased and am hoping to add to the space:

(The white rug is to help offset the hardwood floors that we are going to install in December.  I ordered 3 of the end tables.)

And I am planning to build a hairpin leg coffee table similar to this (I found this one on Etsy):

I think that the biggest issue for us is the non-defined space.  Only having one wall in the room makes furniture placement that much more of a challenge.  Because the TV is over the fireplace, we don’t want to have the couches facing each other with one against the wall.

Okay, so now you’ve seen my crazy room…give you me your thoughts!  Email, FB or IG message, reply below!  I would love to hear your idea for this space!


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