Make Your Own No Sew Blanket Scarf

Although the weather is still quite warm where I live, I cannot stop thinking about leggings and sweaters, boots and scarves.  I am ready for cider and evening fires, pumpkin spice and cozy blankets.

Cozy blankets are actually what led me to this latest DIY.

You see, as a hockey mommy I am constantly on the lookout for ways to stay warm while sitting on the ice for hours at a time.  My son plays hockey three times a week right now and I was getting super tired of carrying in blankets to sit on, blankets to wrap up in and extra blankets on top of that for my girls, who assume that I am their pack horse and leave me to bring theirs in for them.

I needed to think smarter.

Then after a few shopping trips, I was reminded of just how “in” blanket scarves are right now and realized that that could be a perfect solution for me!


After checking out quite a few options at my local stores, I decided that I wasn’t willing to pay the upwards of $60 price tag for one single blanket scarf.  I figured that it couldn’t be that challenging to make my own, so my next stop was Hobby Lobby where I picked up 2 yards of this houndstooth flannel for less than $12.

Yep, you read that correctly.  Less than 12 dollars!


Beautiful, right?!  It is super important to pick out double sided flannel when you go shopping.  Otherwise you will be able to see the backside and that ruins the look a bit, know what I mean?

Use a sharp pair of scissors to trim each edge.  Just enough to have a nice clean line and be able to pull the threads a bit to fray them.


Continue pulling the threads at the cuts until they are nice and evenly frayed.  You can add a quick stitch to the flannel above the fray if you would like, but it isn’t necessary.  Work your way around the entire blanket, fraying the edges.  It should like something like this:


Aaaaaand…it’s done!  That’s it!  You’ve now got a gorgeous new blanket scarf for the cost of a couple pumpkin spice lattes.  Just think of all of the color combos and beautiful flannels you can use.  One for each day of the week seems logical to me…


PS: let’s all ignore the photos of me looking cheeseball and just look directly at the scarf.  This was a “woke up early, no shower and yesterday’s makeup because I had to volunteer at the school and have all three kids out the door at 7am” kind of morning, but I wanted to get this post to you ASAP so you could make your own!


I am obsessed with mine and cannot wait to take it to hockey practice.  The greatest thing about it is that I now have a wearable blanket that I can whip right off and snuggle with while I’m cheering on my little guy.  I think that I will make some for my daughters as well (I’m planning on using 1 yard of flannel for each of them) so that they can start pulling their own weight.  🙂

And here is a quick demo of the easiest way that I have found to wear mine:



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