Moscato Strawberry Lemonade


There’s nothing quite like a cool drink out on the patio on a nice hot day, and this may be the most outrageously perfect drink for kicking back that I’ve ever had.  It is cool, crisp and oh so refreshing with its sweet and tangy lemonade mixed with the bubbly, crisp acidity of moscato.  This cocktail would be absolutely amazing for a girl’s get together, a baby shower, a BBQ…really, basically anything!  It is lightening fast to pull together, so if you’ve got a last minute party you can whip it up in no time flat!

Moscato Strawberry Lemonade
Prep time
Total time
The bubbly, crisp acidity of moscato marries with the sweet and tangy strawberry lemonade to create a perfect cocktail.
Recipe type: Drinks
  • 1 can frozen lemonade concentrate, thawed (I used strawberry, but you could use raspberry or regular as well)
  • 1 bottle moscato
  • splash of lemon - lime soda
  • ¼ cup strawberry vodka (optional)
  1. Mix all ingredients together and serve over ice.


Pull up a chair, put your feet up and enjoy!  And in case you are looking for a new craft to use that empty wine bottle for, make sure to check out my wine bottle bird feeder.


  1. This looks delicious! I have been on a Moscato kick lately and this looks like a great way to jazz it up.
    Lauren recently posted…Summer Book Club: The One & OnlyMy Profile


  1. […] starting to think that I’m a lush are you?  I mean after the Orange Crush post, the Moscato Strawberry Lemonade and the discussion about leftover bottles to decorate with in the Wine Bottle Bird Feeder post I […]

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