My Number One Tip for Budgeting (and a new way to earn cash back!)

I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central forAmerican Express Serve. I received a test card to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.

Each and every week I go to the grocery store and try to carefully shop for my family’s food.  Some days I am really great at sticking to a list and my wallet thanks me when I am done.  Some days I am more like that cute little dog from Up.  You know the one…


I’m not quite that cute, but you get the picture.  Oreos, candles and flowers.  Oh boy!  Don’t even get me started on wine and beer!

I’m sure we’ve all been there and had similar experiences.  Planning out my weekly meals and making a list of everything that I need helps to keep me in task and on budget.  If I know exactly what I need, I am less likely to splurge.  I don’t know about you, but I have gone shopping before, spent a large amount of money and been left with nothing to make a complete meal.  So in order to help me budget and keep on track while shopping, I created a great template (you can download and print your own copy at the end of the post) that I can use to plan my meals and make a quick shopping list all in one place.  I intentionally left it all blank though so it can be used as a meal planner, workout scheduler or even just your weekly agenda.


Another amazing way to keep on track is by using the American Express Serve® Cash Back card.  I just found out about this recently, but am so glad that I did.  I know that there are a lot of people who follow the cash only method to keep themselves from spending more than their budget.  But I will be honest…there is one reason, and it’s a big one for me, that that method won’t work.  I drive a crazy amount and get gas far too often and I absolutely hate going in to gas stations to pay.  I simply could not wrap my head around doing it each and every time.  Silly, I know, but we all have crazy quirks, right?  That is just one of my many.


Prepaid debit cards have been around for awhile and they are a great way to make sure that you stay on budget, but the American Express Serve® Cash Back card is the first one to give cash back!  You get 1% cash back for every dollar you spend, whether online or at the store.  The cash back is added into your account automatically and you can then use that to help stretch your budget a bit further.


The card is easy to use and easy to get (sign up online and have a free card mailed to you or purchase one at a retailer) and easy to use.  It can be used virtually anywhere that American Express cards are accepted and also at ATMs.  You can even use direct deposit or transfer money from other accounts.  Is it just me or would this be a great way to help out a college kid or even aging parent as well?

For more information, and to register for a card of your own, check out their website, Facebook or Twitter.

So fill me in…do you meal plan?  Does it help your budget as much as it does mine?  What is your number one budgeting tip?

To print the planner, click on the photo below.  It will take you to a page showing only the photo, where you can save it or print.





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  1. […] was glad to be using the American Express Serve Cash Back prepaid debit card that I told you guys about a couple of weeks ago.  (If you didn’t get a chance to read that post, the card is a prepaid […]

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