Outrageously Comfy (and ridiculously simple) DIY Sling Sandals


Outrageously Comfy (and ridiculously simple) DIY Sling Sandals

Last summer I bought a pair of name brand sling sandals that I fell head over heels in love with (pun totally intended!).  I paid a premium for them, and I had just one color combo as that was all that was in stock in my size, but I wore them almost everyday from April to October.  They definitely started to show the wear and tear of a long summer of chasing after my kiddos.  As I started to think about ordering a new pair for this summer, I decided that maybe I should try my hand at making my own DIY version first.  A quick trip to the craft store and about ten minutes of work yielded me a near perfect replica of my beloved sling sandals.  And the best part was that I can make as many color combos as I want because these babies cost me a measly $2.75 per pair!  What the what?!  Yep, time to stock up on fun new flip flops!

Supplies Needed:

pair of flip flops (I bought mine from my local dollar store, they had a great selection of fun colors)

1/4 yard of stretch knit fabric (will have leftovers)


With old scissors that you don’t mind ruining, cut top pieces off of flip flop, so you are left with only the sole of the shoe.

Cut two strips of knit fabric at 5″ wide by 22″ long and two strip at 5″ wide by 11″ long.

Starting with a 5″ by 22″ piece, fold into thirds lengthwise.  Wrap around the back of your heel and tie a knot near your big toe.  Push excess fabric through the top hole in flip flop sole and tie a knot on bottom.  Push knot into indentation in the bottom of the sole.

Using a 5″ by 11″ piece of fabric, wrap around the top of your foot and insert each end into holes on sides of sole.  Tie a small knot on bottom of sole, making sure that the fabric is taught, not tight on your foot.  Again, tuck the knot into the indentation on bottom of sole.

Repeat on the other shoe.

Here is a quick video shot by my darling eight year old daughter, Grace, showing the process in greater detail.

This is such a simple project that yields some super awesome flip flopping results.  I picked up each and every great color and patterned knit that I could find at my local store.  There is always more room in my closet for flip flops!

Linked at Practically Functional

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  1. ooh! I love these! I just made some and they cost $3 and I had enough fabric left for a matching headband. They’re so comfortable! Thanks for the fun idea!

  2. JaneEllen says:

    You sure come up with the cutest ideas and projects, these are so adorable. Seems like they’d be much more comfy than keeping flipflop parts in, sometimes they really rub on foot or hurt between toes. Great fashionable idea and so cute/versatile.
    Pinning this post Happy weekend

    • Thank you so very much, Jane Ellen! The fabric doesn’t rub or give hot spots like cheap flip flops do, which is great! My eight year old daughter actually made herself and her little sister a pair after she recorded the video. They have such an easier time keeping these sandals on! It’s so nice!

  3. This is AMAZING. I can’t wait to make some for my grandkids (and me!)
    Laura | Baking Outside the Box recently posted…Blue Lemon Muffins RecipeMy Profile

  4. I recently bought the same sling flip flops you started with and LOVE them. The day before I saw your tutorial I had actually done almost the same thing to make myself a copycat pair! Now that I’ve seen yours, I combined your process and mine. I didn’t tie the knot with it ON my foot on my first pair. They definitely fit better that way. When I’m done I hit the knots/holes on the bottom with a little E6000 glue to make sure the knots don’t pull back through. I hit the jackpot and found 50% off flip flops and got them for $1.49 a pair. I had a bunch of tshirt knit already from past tank top projects. I made 3 pairs today for a grand total of $4.50! So fun!

  5. I’m having issues with the knot on the bottom underneath the toes. Since it’s twice as much fabric, the knot is twice as large as the two in the back. My daughter feels like she’s stepping on a rock. How do you tie the knot underneath the toes?

    • Hi Holly,
      I didn’t have that issue, but my suggestion would be to taper the ends of the knit so that you are tying the knot with less fabric. Taper down from just above where you’ll tie the knot and also make sure that your knot is as tight as you can get it. The looser the knot, the more fabric is bunched up in it. Hope this helps!

  6. Heather says:

    I am up-cycling old tshirts for these. Makes them less than $1. Love that I can make some for every outfit!! Thank you for the idea!!!

  7. Hi. Great idea. But aren’t the knots under the soles uncomfy?

  8. What do you do with the 3 knots under the shoe? Doesn’t it bother you when you walk?

  9. Thanks for the brilliant idea. My work has changed the dress code so that I can no longer wear flip flops. I’ve been looking at this style of sandal on amazon and they generally start around $20 and the color choices are very limited. Now I just need to pick up some $1 flip flops and raid my m.i.l. fabric stash.

  10. Anita Cross says:

    I’m very impressed with your flip flop conversion and tried it but my foot keeps slipping back on them. They fit when standing still but when I walk my foot slips out. Any suggestions? Thanks

  11. I made 4 pairs of these last summer and loved them. So did my daughter. We’re off to get more material to do it again. Love this flip flop!


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  9. […] out Down Home Inspiration for the details. The video was filmed by her 8 year old, so props to her for the Trust […]

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