Patriotic Beer Cake

Woohoo!!!  By the time that you are reading this, my hubby has just returned home from being out of the country for months on end and I could not be happier to have my best friend back!  To celebrate his homecoming, I had the kids make some signs before they left for their summer vacation and I threw this patriotic beer cake together as an added bonus.  I thought that is was so cute and fun and I wanted to share it all with you guys in case you are searching for the perfect centerpiece for your 4th of July party or just looking to ring in a birthday for your beer lover.

beer cake

Supplies Needed:

Beer! (number will vary depending on your center item…plan on 12-15)

small but study item to support middle tier


small decor items (optional)

beer cake

On a flat, sturdy surface place beer bottles around the item you have chosen to serve as the center.  Keep in mind that this will need to be large enough to hold 3-5 beers and you’ll want to make sure that it is strong enough that it won’t collapse.  It will need to have a flat top, so just search around your house and find something that fits the bill.

beer cake

Once you’ve placed the bottom tier bottles completely around the center item use a ribbon to wrap tightly around it and tie it off in the back.  Keep in mind that the number of bottles that you use will vary depending upon the size of the item that you’ve used as the center.

beer cake

For the middle tier, you’ll set as many bottles as will fit onto the top of the center item.  I was able to fit three on mine.  Again, tie it tightly with a piece of ribbon.  You’ll really want to make sure that these one are tied tightly as they will need to support one more beer.  I chose to reinforce mine by tying one ribbon on the center of the bottles and one around the necks.

beer cake

Lastly, turn one bottle upside down and insert into the middle tier.  Add decor items to help conceal the center item and then just kick back and enjoy!

beer cake


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