Patriotic Paper Cone Wreath


Summer holidays are my favorite.  I know that most people prefer Christmas, New Year’s or maybe even Valentine’s Day, but this girl loves the patriotic holidays best.  It may be that I am a military wife, but there is nothing prettier to me than seeing red, white and blue everywhere and feeling my chest swell with pride to be reminded of just how great this country really is.  And to kick off my holiday decor just in time for Memorial Day, I made a super fun patriotic paper cone wreath.  It took a small amount of time and was extremely affordable.  While it may not hold up well to outdoor weather for an extended period of time, it is perfect to bring some Americana colors into your home.  After taking these pictures I hung my paper cone wreath on a mirror in my foyer.  Love it!

Supplies Needed

cardboard backing (I used an old cereal box)

hot glue gun

12 x 12 scrapbook papers

Toilet paper tube and bow (optional)


Start by repurposing some cardboard and cutting out a large circle.  I used my largest mixing bowl to trace around and ended up with a 12″ circle.  Reinforce cardboard with tape if necessary to help hold it’s shape.  Next cut scrapbook paper into 4 x 4 inch squares.  On my 12″ diameter wreath I used 8 sheets of red, 2 of white and 2 of blue.  Slightly fold up side of each 4 x 4″ square to meet in the middle (as shown above).  Lightly crease the bottom to make the next fold a bit easier.  Fold up the opposite side so that the two now very slightly overlap.  Run a line of hot glue up the middle and hold the top side down until cool.  You should end up with a cute little cone…and now you’ll only need about a gazillion more!

paper-cone-wreath-7               paper-cone-wreath-8

Continue making cones until you feel as though you have enough to give you the fullness that you desire and to ensure that the cardboard will remain hidden.  Start gluing your cones around the cardboard, being sure to keep them all as level to each other as possible.  Fill up the outside row first, gluing only the very tip down.  Continue until first row is done and start the next row about an inch further towards the center.

If you would like to add a bow to the middle of the wreath, after you have rows down towards the very inner circle of the cardboard, glue a toilet paper roll in the center.  (I used an empty ribbon roll because that is what I had lying around my desk.)


Tie a bow and glue it to the tube so that it rests above the paper cones.  Make sure that it is large enough to cover any exposed cardboard backing.  Attach a small ribbon loop to the upper back of the cardboard to use as a hanger and you’re all set!


I added a tiny little flag that I had stashed in my craft collection, but you could embellish in just about any way imaginable.  That’s the beauty of this paper cone wreath: you can make it into whatever you’d like it to be.  Use whatever colors or patterned paper suits your fancy, embellish in fun ways and you have a whole new look.  All in all, my paper cone wreath cost me less than $5 to make, but I love the impact.


What is your favorite holiday and how do you like to change up your decor for it?

And if you’re looking for more patriotic wreath options, please check out my guest post over at Yellow Bliss Road for a burlap wreath.

Linked at Practically Functional and Serenity Now

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  1. I love the wreath! So fun and festive. Please stop on over to my new blog Anne’s Attic – Design. Let me know what you think. Have a LOVERLY DAY! XXOO

  2. Very pretty!
    Starla J recently posted…Mother Daughter RelationshipMy Profile

  3. Lovely, very creative! I wish you had a picture of how you did the second row… It seems very easy, but I have the filling it’s a bit trick, isn’t it?

    • Hi Emilia,
      Sorry that I don’t have a picture of the second row. I actually had taken photos of that, but deleted them here while back when I cleared out my old pictures. It honestly is not challenging, I wasn’t trying to be tricky. 🙂 Just leave a space and repeat exactly the same as you did on the first row. Hope this helps!

  4. Linda Onealsinga says:

    Do you need to use a spray poly or something to waterproof this wreath if you want to hang it on a door? Mine is covered by a roof, but I wonder how it holds up to dampness? Thanks!

    • Linda, I would suggest spraying it with a sealant if you plan to hang it outside. Mine was hung on my covered front door and lasted for a little over a month before we had a torrential rain fall and it fell apart, but I had no sealed it at all.


  1. […] working with paper? Then this is the wreath for you! This Paper Cone Red, White and Blue Wreath from Down Home Inspiration has lots of texture and color using DIY paper cones layered onto a […]