Pumpkin Spice Energy Bites

It is officially September and you know what that means…..Pumpkin Spice everything!!!!  And to kick it off, I am sharing a super easy recipe for pumpkin spice energy bites.  These babies are such a great snack at any time, but I love to grab them for a quick breakfast on my way out the door or as a pre-workout nosh.

Pumpkin spice energy bites

You can pick pumpkin spice up at the grocery store or you can make your own in just a minute with spices you probably already have on hand.  I’ve shared my recipe for it here.

Pumpkin spice

As with any energy bites, you can customize them to your liking.  Basically, you can generally substitute a “wet” ingredient for another wet (i.e.: honey for syrup) and a “dry” ingredient for another dry (i.e.: flax seed for chia seed, chocolate chips for raisins).  Got a picky eater on your hands? No prob, just add their faves and you’ll be good to go!

Pumpkin spice energy bites

In keeping with the fall feeling of these energy bites I chose to mix pumpkin spice with cinnamon chips.  Yum!

Pumpkin spice energy bites

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Pumpkin Spice Energy Bites
Serves: 20 bites
  • 2 cups uncooked oats
  • ½ cup pumpkin puree
  • ¼ cup honey
  • ½ cup cinnamon chips
  • 2 Tbsp flax seed
  • 1½ tsp pumpkin spice
  1. Add all ingredients to a large bowl and mix until well combined. Refrigerate for 15 minutes, then roll dough into 1 inch balls.
  2. Store in an air tight container in refrigerator.

Pumpkin spice energy bites

These energy bites should last up to a week in your fridge, but they are always gone way before that in my house!  Little hands tend to love these and I feel pretty good about them as a filling snack, so it’s a win-win.

Pumpkin spice energy bites

Now if only the fall weather would hurry up and come to the south!  I am ready for boots and sweaters and scarves.  How about you?  What are you most looking forward to this fall?

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  1. Paula Christian says:

    Do you use steel cut oats? Quick oats or regular?

  2. These energy bites must be so delicious! I love pumpkin in everything, so I already know I’m going to love this too =)

  3. Sounds awesome. Thanks so much!


  1. […] aside, there are so many uses for pumpkin spice!  You can add it to my pumpkin spice energy bites, pumpkin pies, muffins, cakes, cookies and breads.  But if you’re sold on it being in your […]

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