Quick & Easy Beer Bread

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As some of you may know, it is the playoffs for the NFL and that means lots of get togethers happening at my house.  We are die hard San Francisco 49er fans and we are pretty darn excited that our team has once again made it to the playoffs.  I should also add to that, that both my husband and myself become nervous eaters during football games.  I mean the kinds that will polish off an entire pan of buffalo chicken dip and look down confused to see that it has somehow disappeared during that very tense last quarter.  I can tell you that last Sunday we were eating just about everything in sight as our team rallied to beat the Packers at the last second.  It was one of those games that reminds you why postseason football is so good!

While watching the game, we munched away on a loaf of freshly made beer bread to accompany our three bean chili.  This bread is so amazingly yummy that it feels almost silly how easy it is to make.  It is great for football Sunday or just about any other day!  And the best part is that you more than likely have all the necessary ingredients on hand to make this super quick bread.

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Quick & Easy Beer Bread
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
A super delicious and quick bread made with beer
Recipe type: Bread
Cuisine: American
Serves: 6
  • 2¾ cups all purpose flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 3 tsp baking powder
  • 12 oz beer
  • 3 tbsp. butter
  1. Preheat oven to 375*
  2. Mix all ingredients except the butter and pour into a greased loaf pan. Dot top of dough with chunks of butter.
  3. Cook for 1 hour. Remove from pan and cool for 15 minutes.

Here is my dough ready to go in the oven with the butter on top:

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This is truly one of the easiest recipes that I make and it is one that is always requested over and over again.  I have tried it with many different kinds of beer and have never had a bad loaf.  Feel free to experiment with your favorite or whatever you have on hand.  I have even been known to “clean” out my fridge by using beer that has been left by guests that we wouldn’t normally drink.  Works like a charm!

Linked at Everyday Taste and Practically Functional

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  1. […] Quick & Easy Beer Bread from Down Home Inspiration […]

  2. […] Quick & Easy Beer Bread from Down Home Inspiration […]

  3. […] Quick & Easy Beer Bread from Down Home Inspiration […]

  4. […] Quick & Easy Beer Bread from Down Home Inspiration […]

  5. […] as my excuse, but truth be told, I love the flavor that beer adds to food.  You may remember my quick and easy beer bread and I hope that you’ll come back on Friday to get a peek at my next beer infused […]

  6. […] often.  I hope you enjoyed the Guinness Brownies that I posted on Wednesday and also the quick and easy beer bread from a couple of months ago, so here is a new one to add to the beer infused food repertoire.  […]

  7. […] screams at me that it should be added to all kinds of recipes.  I’ve already added it to bread, brownies, stew, bacon, pretzels, truffles and even lemonade but I keep looking for new ways to […]

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