Rethink the Plank with 5 Plank Variations to Try Today

I mentioned the other day that I have been working out with a personal trainer lately when I shared the infused water recipe.  And I may have let you in on the fact that she is tough.  The kind of tough that sometimes leaves me feeling like I can’t lift my arms or move my legs in order to walk to my car.  While we are smack in the middle of a hard workout, I am generally secretly hoping for a chance to catch my breath and just hold still for a minute.  Okay, I am hoping for a plank.  I love planks!  They are such a great way to tone your tummy, reduce back pain and improve your balance, flexibility, posture and even your mood, while holding relatively still!  Because there is no equipment needed for so many of the variations, it is a perfect exercise no matter where you are or how much time you have.  Check out these five plank variations and try them out today!


Bird Dog Plank

While holding your plank position, raise and stretch one arm forward and raise the opposing leg at the same time.  Hold for three seconds then switch sides.


Elbow Plank, Butt Lift Plank

Start in plank position with your forearms on the floor with hands clasped.  Cross right ankle over the left and bend right knee and raise leg up to engage your glutes.  Lower leg back to the crossed ankle position and repeat.  Alternate sides after you have completed reps on right side.




Knee to Outside Elbow Plank

While in plank position, slowly bring your right knee as close as you can to the outside of your right elbow.  Although it is tempting to watch and see how close to your knee you can get, try no to as it will make you drop your hips and round your shoulders unintentionally.


Hamstring Curls Plank

From plank position, while trying to keep your body as tight and stable as possible, kick your heel toward your bottom and return to plank.  Repeat with opposite leg.


Plank Row

If you’ve got a kettle bell lying around, grab it for this great plank variation that will engage your arms even more.  Start in plank position and row the bell up to the outside of your chest.  Repeat on opposite side.



So switch things up with your workout today and you’ll be loving the results before long!  Do you have a favorite plank position?  Is it on this list?

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  1. Ooh good tips! My core is a wreck from 3 c-sections and I’ve been working on my planks-these are great variations!
    Melissa@TheHappierHomemaker recently posted…Spicy Bacon Avocado Grilled CheeseMy Profile

  2. My fav is knee to outside elbow, but I love all things plank! Can’t wait to try these that I have not. You go girl! Keep up the hard work


  1. […]  I may or may not have eaten half of these in one afternoon just a couple of days after I posted plank variations.  Hey, I will be totally honest here and admit that I work out because I love to […]

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