Sweet and Simple DIY Teacher Gift

Cookie jar 1

I have two school aged kids, and each and every year I struggle to come up with a new gift idea for their teachers.  I look for something that is quick and easy for me, yet shows my appreciation and gratitude for all of the hard work they do day in and day out.  I have done the coffee chain gift cards and have seen them pile up on the teacher’s desk that morning as all of the other kids come in with the same exact gift.  And hey, I love caffeine as much as the next gal, but every now and then I like to break the mold and think of something outside of the box.  As I spent hours combing Pinterest for an idea this year, I had a little bit of a cheeseball epiphany.  I love to come up with the super corny tag lines that make people simultaneously roll their eyes and chuckle.  My husband usually receives the brunt of my nerd jokes, but every now and then I like to spread the love.  Consider yourself warned…

For our teachers this year, I decided to buy a super cute cookie jar (I found this guy at Target for $14.99 – he also has an adorable penguin friend) and fill it with some yummy treats.  Not so original, I know, but here comes the fun part.  I threw a paper tag on the top that reads, “It is such a “TREAT” to have you as my teacher.  Merry Christmas!”  And cue the eye roll / chuckle.  I wish that I had a laugh track to insert here.  So for less than $20, I have a super happy, non gift card, teacher’s gift that will hopefully bring a smile to their faces (and maybe said eye roll as well).  My kiddos are excited to take them in and I am glad that I have six more months to come up with the next teacher gift!  🙂

This post has been linked to Practically Functional.


  1. […] my upper cabinets.  And I’m pretty sure that I’ve already explained that I am a total word play nerd, so these should come as no surprise.  I chose to leave the background white so that you may print […]

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