Take the Time to see the Beauty in the Mess

 This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #SweepTheMess #CollectiveBias

Between three kids, a dog, a guinea pig (how does the tiny rodent make so much mess?!) and my crafting and baking self, I will admit to having a less than sparkling home.  There never seems to be enough time to keep up with every house cleaning task, as much as I would like to.  And when I do squeeze in the time, I find myself occasionally angry or frustrated that I am cleaning up (insert your own pet peeve here…for me it is my nemesis who I can’t seem to quit…glitter) yet again.

But every now and then, when I slow down and take a deep breath, I am able to take the time to see the beauty in the mess.

That’s right; messes can be beautiful.  Maybe you  made fun memories with your kiddos while baking and flour went everywhere, or maybe you decorated masks and there is glitter in every single crevice in your home.  The possibilities are endless.  In fact, I just cleaned up one heck of an obnoxious mess this past weekend, but I was so darn happy to do it that there were tears in my eye while I was sweeping.


Yep, you guessed it…my hubby is home!  My heart is full having my best friend back at my side, but there is always an endless amount of desert sand that seems to find its way home with him every time he goes overseas.  And that sand magically appears on my floor scattered all around the seemingly endless parade of bags that accumulate in my entry.


To be honest, those bags sit there for a day or two.  We all walk around the mess and ignore it.  We are too excited to be back together and enjoy the moment to clean up the messes.  But when it comes time to clean, I always take the time to see that beauty.  The beauty of my husband being safe and back with our family.  The beauty of the boots that are full of sand being put away in the closet and having no need to be used until the next deployment.  The beauty of my husband politely asking if there is anything that he can do to help with the clean up.  I love having help again!


And while I am overjoyed to be cleaning up the beautiful messes in my life, O-Cedar’s Beautiful Mess Campaign really struck a chord with me.  It perfectly captured what I was feeling, and their Angler Broom helped me to capture all that sand!  🙂  I am mesmerized by their fun video too.

Okay, so spill it…what is the beauty in your mess?  I would love to hear from you!


And because you know you’ve got a mess or two that you could use some help with, make sure to enter the awesome giveaway below for your chance to win!

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  1. What artistic talent in the video. I love my O-Cedar broom-having ones in a couple different places is always good! So glad your husband is home from his deployment! I hope all of you get some fun family time together.

  2. Darla Bunyan says:

    I LOVE getting new cleaning supplies!!!!! Crazy, right? I need to update my broom too, great timing!

  3. That’s definitely a mess to be happy about!!! I try to see the beauty in the mess as I’m homeschooling my boys…we make a LOT of mess but I remind myself that they are learning and while we’ll have a lot of clean up time at the end of the day, the memories are worth it!
    Melissa@TheHappierHomemaker recently posted…How to Stay Motivated When Saving MoneyMy Profile

  4. What a beautiful story to share! I grumble at all the dirt, clutter and mess in our home, but in truth I wouldn’t want it any other way. What we get with that mess is an active, healthy family of 5, pets and a farm to grow up on. So happy for your that your husband is home safe and sound. Enjoy every minute of it! #client

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