Turkey Meatball Kabob Burgers

“I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Shady Brook Farms. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.”

You guys, it’s May already!  That means that summer is just around the corner, bringing with it all of the great chances to get together with friends and enjoy some yummy food.  With Memorial Day just a few short weeks away, I wanted to share my little spin on an all American classic, the burger.  I decided to use ground turkey and make meatball kabobs, using all of the same “toppings” that a burger has.  These turkey meatball kabob burgers were a fun and easy way to change the expected into the unexpected and add a little pizazz to a get together.


For my meatballs, I used Shady Brook Farms ground turkey.  I love that it is a much leaner option than beef or pork…we’re all trying to look good in our swimsuits this year, am I right?!  It also makes my little heart happy that they work with more than 700 independent farmers to produce wholesome turkeys raised without growth promoting antibiotics (look for the USDA Process Verified seal on packaging to know if your turkey was raised without growth promoting antibiotics).  We eat turkey almost exclusively in our house, to the point that my mom has to stock up on it before my kids visit her because they won’t eat anything else.


Turkey Meatball Kabob Burgers
Serves: 12
  • Meatballs:
  • 1 lb ground turkey, thawed
  • 1½ cups Italian flavored bread crumbs
  • 1 Tbs pepper
  • 1 tsp oregano
  • 1 tsp basil
  • 1 tsp garlic
  • Sauce:
  • ½ cup ketchup
  • 4 Tbs brown sugar, packed
  • 2 tsp ground mustard
  • ½ tsp nutmeg
  1. Preheat oven to 400 * and grease a baking sheet, set aside.
  2. To prepare the meatballs, combine all ingredients in a large bowl. Use a wooden spoon or your hands to fully incorporate all ingredients. Form into golf ball size meatballs and bake for 20 to 25 minutes, or until they reach 165* internally.
  3. While the meatballs are cooking, combine all ingredients for the sauce in a large bowl.
  4. When the meatballs are done baking, add them into the bowl of sauce and stir until all of the meatballs are covered well.

These kabobs are a fun way to change up the ordinary burgers and impress your guests.  I even entered them into the Memorial Day Turkey Recipe Contest (find it here) because I loved them so much and I would be super duper appreciative if you would vote for me and my recipe.  My recipe will going head to head with recipes from other bloggers around the country with a gift card at stake.  The great news is that voters are eligible to win prizes as well!!!  5 voters will win a prize pack of their own!


What are you planning to make for Memorial Day?  Keep in mind that Shady Brook Farms offers ground turkey, sausage, tenderloins, burgers and more, all without growth promoting antibiotics.  Find out more by visiting their website or Facebook page.

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